It could Be said Mankind

 In general belief we say as a collective in our "human times" we are Mankind. 

 It could be said that we are living "in the time of man"  in the time of History, His-story and our ego is one sign that tells us the time of the woman has already "passed," but there is no man without woman. You cannot have a brain with-out a heart our life force first. Ego comes from the thinking mind, also ego can only exist if there is something to "bump up" against, this would be the previous "time" of the feminine. That is why Man is always trying to prove himself. We are in the "time" of Man. You can see it everywhere and it is derived from the ego. The ego needs a seemingly opposing force to even exist, we are living in the time of Mankind with the existing ego within all of us because the time of the feminine already came to pass and was rooted in the heart, NO EGO because nothing else existed to "bump up" against, to "challenge itself." Because of this the feminine force of heart which is love was not evolving so an opposing force which is a balance of man or ego naturally came about through the evolutionary path. That is why we are made of love, at our source, or core, our essence is love, our energy or force of being. 

     Just as the way we read, left to right. As the saying I'm right, right means "end all" left is the beginning where change could occur as we go right, but right is the end if can go no further, "I'm right." As being in the time of "the Son" "the Father" "the holy spirit of Man" we naturally start reading on the left. The left side of the brain is our logical side, just as in "life" we are born forgetting we ARE love so we are in search of this force our whole life and we read to the right. The right side of the brain is our creative side of awareness, intuition and insight. Just as the liner path of life to death. One line of "logically" (Mankind) looking for this force we call love, on the outside and ending up realizing (going "right" or "the right way") and finding it is found within. (insight) Now I understand not all cultures read left to right, but the all read in one direction of birth----death.  Not true we have just not understood this yet and implemented this understanding into our culture, through our ways of learning. 

     Just as we see woman fighting for the rights of men as equals in this world of Man-kind, it will never happen and this is not a "bad thing" its just a fact in the time of His-story. Any ground that women have made to be equals of man have created a huge gap in our connection to the feminine, to love. Its is "missing" more than ever because the female doesn't see her force as love.. within, but in the time of Mankind. The feminine searching for acceptance and equality outside of herself creates much strife as she finds herself in Mankind, His-tory. This allows women to grow in love once recognized, if not seen, well we see the creation of an imbalance seen all over the world. It is also Mans journey to see he is not the ego and transcend as well into this force we call love. This will be our greatest step in evolution, well any growth no matter how its viewed is to the individual or the race the greatest. Its will be the "end of Mankind," but the beginning of ONE. 

     Just as the male reproductive part are found on the outside. Man feels as though he is an "outsider" through ego he has no love and must search for it. Female reproductive parts are found within and that is where we come from, that is where this force we call love comes from.. WITHIN. For this force to grow to evolve Mankind is "born," that is the time (if your reading this) we were all "born in" and because a force came before us, ego naturally exist in all of us because ego needs something to "oppose it" to exist. That is also why the bible says we are all sinners, (Mankind) Well yes, because we are the "opposing force to the feminine."

     As I said it shows in our reading or you can say it shows in one of our earlier ways of taking in information, or learning. Left-Right, logic to infinite. Linear, Born-Die. In that we are still learning and growing, science can "show" us the areas of the brain, but science cannot show us what is past perceived death, so we believe when this body goes we go...  

    See being in the time of Mankind and starting naturally in the left side of the brain-logic, everything after on our search for "our true selves" (love) or answering questions like who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Is in the manifest life or the manifest world of "logic", outside of ourselves. Woman will do the same although her instincts tell her different. The male reproductive parts or it could be said LIFE, that is located "outside" of the body, also when the Male becomes aroused to produce life, to give life this organ points to the sky, it points UP. Because we are in the time of Man-kind we believe God is UP, Life is up, in a limited understanding yes this is true at this "time." Man life giving parts, outside, "outside of love," acceptance. Producing life given from man points up, so ok the God of life is up, in Man-Kind, this present time we are in. We must have a heart before a brain, in the previous "time" of the feminine, where heart lead life, not head. 

     The woman knows different.. man is born within. Born to life, which is love, love found within. This tireless search for love or truly CONNECTION to love continues on the outside. See connection to love is connection to one another and not just in the sense of we as humans, its connection to "the feminine," "the heart." In the time of Man-kind we have been primarily existing through the mind or in an ego based reality in search for "our heart" or love, but as I said in the time of Man we search outside of us, we will never find it there.. Easily. This is not happening in vein, this is the path of evolution of the "force" of life we call love. The only growth is inner growth. Just as we call the earth the mother, it is, the earth gives us life, but we are in the "spirit" of Man at this "time" the spirit of Mankind. This does not mean this is our creator. or our "end all existence"

     The "saying" is true Man cannot live without woman, woman is the creator of man. We must get passed this "monkey brain" way of being, its time to evolve.. so when i say woman is the creator I'm not saying Man vs Woman in the human for as we know. Im saying the essence of the vibrational frequency of the heart, the "force" of the creator we call the "heart" or this energy of life the feminine. (from within) That is where man comes in and out literally... Just as Mankind came "into" the universe and will transcend ego to truly become the UNIverse ONE. Truly man came into the verse of the feminine after transcending the ego to see itself as the creator, love. Then becoming the universe. A energy, a force beyond these temporary expressions into the infinite to continue to evolve.

       In the time of the feminine existence was love, is love, Now in this time of the creation of  Man, of ego was so love had an "opposite" to "bump up" against to not only grow and evolve, but to know it existed at all! Nothing exist unless it has something to bump up against, if not it would just be and we would not see. For example-If everything was white how would we know anything existed at all. This force we call love evolved into an ego or Mankind so that it could SEE itself as love and simulntaniously kept evolving as love. Look closer its just evolution all together. So the saying there are no mistakes this is true, the universe which means one=uni=unified force evolved into the ego to see itself as love! That is our journey as Man-kind.  To again see ourselves as love.  ~growinflow

Scott Betteys