Pleasure I Am

The life we experience around us, the life we know as our own, this ever changing environment we interact with each moment is the reaction to ourselves, our personal understanding of occurrence. Our '“personal pleasure palace” of I AM we ordain as, our lives.

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The speaker -the ever evolving listener. We are currently residing in the age of “spelling” or storytelling as the depth in the eye of the listener nourish the speaker in a cyclical frenzy that is our present creation.

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Focusing on objects is connecting to the shadow as all objects create a shadow. Objects or things are shadow created with the light. Creation is to be witnessed in the moment then let go of in the next. This is the balanced flow of existence.  

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Born Focus

 Space or Inner Space - Is a recognition of habitual patterns. Through this recognition  patterns/programs dissipate creating/allowing  pure potential Space for possibility, without form, attached emotions or feelings, allowing a limitless and unrealized reality. Space is the quiet within you as you. Connection to the infinite as the infinite self.

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Connection Naturally

A time at an age of space within when our mental programs are  not completely downloaded and we still have a chance to actually connect with one another connect with ourselves, with the environment which is one of our greatest teachers.

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Absorb Recycle Change

To find our full potential we must create the space for it and it starts by knowing who we are as space. Not only because this will allow us to create more fulfilled and connected lives for ourselves, but to know and understand our ability to absorb.

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Scott Betteys
Death the New Life

 Day to day we communicate using words of description giving definition to life,  formulating words to create form while using form which in turn formulates form or picture in form or you and this picture or understanding takes form as your form or past experiences.. –Phew

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Scott Betteys
the truth will set you free, choose now

True Choice, Authentic Choice, does not exist outside of this present moment that is you, as you are not whole outside of this very moment. -there is no ‘outside’ to be experienced.

When you make choices through the past toward the future you will not move into this path whole, therefore you will never be full-filled -because of this lack of wholeness, fear will continue to arise in your life.

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We are the response to the environment and to respond is our functional existence. We are defined by our responses who, what, when and where at this moment is your response, is the environment, is you. The environment I speak of is not the environment recognized by the thinking or responsive mind, but what is not yet understood by our cognition or our cognitive experience.

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Programs Patterns

If we let go to flow, if we "quiet" our minds and connect to source or god, life can seem to just happen. We succeed, thrive, love, laugh, cry, hurt, feel pain and we know this is all temporary, we are in the flow we call life.

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Our gift is separation

Our gift is separation. What we call life is separation. To create is through and because of separation, 0 and 1. Our gift, to sense exist through connection, to sound, sight, touch etc. Life can only exist through source, allowing environmental connection 0-1

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the repetition study

First comes the event or phenomenon and your bias gives the event shape, form to the formless, life through a sensory allowing, activity in its infincy - reactions we may call investigation, inquiry, research, examination, analysis, review, survey, evaluation creating our interpretations, judgments, results -through the lens of our biases.

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