to grow we must first seek to know.


Define Your Why:

Define Your Joy:

Define Your Desires:

Define Your Needs:

write down 3-5 Without Thought, anything and Everything That Arises.

_meditate. i am bright, i am bright, i am bright nothing sticks to light; what do i need to see to be all that is free…repeat

define Your Day:

Define Your Week:

define your mood at the end of each.


Refine Your Why:

Refine Your Joy:

Refine Your Desires:

Refine Your Needs:

Compare Your Why, Joy, Desires And Needs With Your Daily and Weekly Activities.

are you experiencing life relative to these Definitions?

merge your Why And your Joy.

merge Your Desires And your Needs, creating Clarity through simplicity.

As you define, refine and integrate You will come to find clarity as the noise and distraction fall away, brining awareness to the fulfilling dance of profound simplicity That already exist in your life. this is the soil to which you plant these 4 seeds and water with trust and gratitude.




define your Path Forward.
