deep wisdom

top of the head

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Violet is the color of spirituality. It has the shortest wavelength and the highest vibration of the colors of the visible spectrum of light. Violet color is cleansing and purifying. It is the color of magic, ritual and connecting through mystery and mysticism. It is a color that allows us to glimpse other realities, beyond our physical and material reality of this earthly existence. It is pure cosmic energy. Violet is a color of reconciliation. Of bringing together polarities - male and female, day and night, hot and cold, heaven and earth, right brain and left brain, the state of balance. In this state of balance you feel the connection with other beings -heaven, earth and all of the Universe. There is no separation, no duality. The third eye chakra pertains to the concept of ‘seeing’ especially in a psychic and spiritual sense allowing you to use your enhanced inner guidance that comes from more powerful intuitive abilities. associated with heightened spiritual growth, positive attitudes and a more generous and humanitarian attitude towards life.

energetic strengths: expanded awareness, wholeness, one with the divine, connected to spirit, no boundaries, no separateness, seeing the big picture, spiritual freedom and deep wisdom.

energetic challenges: fragmentation and unable to see the deeper truth and connection. spiritual abuse and addition.