Death the New Life

   Day to day we communicate using words of description giving definition to life,  formulating words to create form while using form which in turn formulates form or picture in form or you and this picture or understanding takes form as your form or past experiences.. –Phew

  We are describing life -sensory experience which is form using past which is form.. 

   Though in this life-form of communication we use day to day we are truly only knowing a half-life as without death there is no life. The definition of death has been distorted and misused for so long it is truly imbedded in our minds that this is something bad and death is something to run from and boy have we been running. (running ourselves to a sooner death without an understanding or knowing, just a running towards more form.)

 Death, darkness or no form is where life comes from. A fresh, vibrant, strength giving ‘new idea’ to Take Form and then Pass.. as this is growth, this is evolution. Whether it means death / loss to a thought, belief, material items, relationships even life.. the description is infinite because life is infinite. There is death in everything we do! You cannot ‘move’ to the next moment without letting go to this one, even just putting one foot in front of the other! Death is truly the exploration of life, as life is the exploration of death.

To be empowered is NOT to hold the light of form, it is the allowing of death, the formless.

Faith -complete trust or confidence without being seen-sensory.

 You Are the Light, you do not need to hold onto it, you are to explore with it. 

Explore the darkness, the formless, the ‘death.’ Yes death is my analogy here, meaning the formless or the letting go of form.

   To communicate using description is to share the past and the past is only there because is has something to ‘Attach itself’ to.. A form, you. We are again so conditioned to believe that the culmination of our past makes up who we are and that’s correct. Who or what is stating object or something separate, something separate from life. Our past does make up the persona of who we are as the person or mask we choose to where. The individual, the one who runs from death, the one who truly never grows, the one who will never truly connect as completely stuck living in the world of form. The one who will always tire as they ‘run’ to continually try and support this form so it does not fade or tater.

   Person / Persona defined -the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual; the public personality.

   If we make a conscious choice to ‘let go’ and have balance the next form will always be a joyous one not dependent on the outcome of form to bring our joy or fulfillment. The fulfillment will come in the doing because now you have allowed yourself death. Death in the doing. You have allowed the formless into the form.

   Which has been there all along, but our degree of communication or understanding ‘says’ form, form, form only form, only life, run from death, whichs brings pain and un needed suffering and sub consciously will always point to the outcome.. and the outcome can only be death / formless.

 The death form has been running from, The light that is afraid of the dark..that’s where your pain and suffering come from.. life is not a result it’s a death. 

We have been spreading ‘lies about life’ and we have been for so long with believe it’s the truth.

 Life is the doing or being and the allowing or letting go.. See this, know this because this IS your true self the life and the death, as you cannot   have one without the other  and soon  we will know that life and death are one in the same.  

Beauty only exist because it is temporary  ~growinflow

Scott Betteys