the truth will set you free, choose now


Making familiar choices through the resistance of fear.

Fear can only exists when you are not connected, connected fully ( whole ) -this can only be found in the present moment. When we make a new or different choice we allow a path into the unknown, we are stepping into the unknown -fear arises. Though when we take a path and make the same choices over and over again we are provided the same outcome -perception seems to repeat itself making each day ‘the same.’

  The illusion is that when we take the path of least resistance that path is truly the unknown way. The only resistance is the illusion of fear, the frequency we call fear -which is only in our mind and in combination with the action step creates resistance. 

    Now when we continue to make the same choices and take the familiar path time and time again a path that has a known outcome, an outcome that already exist in space-time reality -this is the true resistance. 

   The frequency of the existing reality changes and effects your present reality, creating feedback and distortion. You essentially bump into the known outcome causing confusion and lack of willingness to an existence that has already taken form in your life. This making freedom of choice unrealized -essentially muddying the waters and this takes life energy away from the present moment of wholeness, making it easy to continually allowing the familiar reality to continue.

  Going into the unknown, a reality not yet form-ulated, there is No resistance to speak of. There is nothing to ‘bump’ into as the outcome is not known! Your energy at this moment is present, whole, bright, and true the truth will set you free –this is Truly when you are your strongest, when there is No known reality “dimming your light”  –taking your energy. 

   See the known must be supported and we are the only ones who can do this, this takes energy, your energy –as you are the only one who can support your known reality. When going into the unknown–fear, we are whole, bold, alert and present -we are at our highest frequency for growth. We are letting go of our past selves and saying yes to present moment of choice -completely.

  We are not truly making a choice when we are in familiar emotional states, we are allowing past energies to pull us in. Freedom only exist in the present, right along side choice where we are whole. Choice means freedom and we are not free when we are focusing through the lens of the past and we are not free when we give our energy to a future outcome. 

  Fear is only a word, meaningless until you focus on it. Fear is holding onto the past and giving energy to a future that does not yet exist. This takes our energy –mentally, physically and spiritually leaving us shallow and weak in the present moment of choice -allowing the illusion of fear to arise, as fear will seep into our cracks when we are not whole.

    When we hold into the past we will never feel like we are enough in this moment as we must let go of what we are not now and who we believe ourselves to be, then we are free allowing an authentic choice to be made. 

  True Choice, Authentic Choice, does not exist outside of the present as you are not whole outside of this very moment. 

 When you make choices through the past toward the future you will not move into this path whole, therefore you will never be fulfilled and because of this lack of wholeness fear will continue to arise in your life. 

  To be no-thing is to be whole and when you are whole fear does not exist. 

