

   We are the momentum of the universe 'trapped' by the opposing force we call gravity aka time.

We revolve and evolve in this pattern or form and are released only to be pulled back to form over and over. ( see diagram ) Though we are evolving we are doing it at a lower consciousness or intelligence than the potential of the continued momentum that 'escaped' gravities pull (time.)


    Though this pull created life as we are, it has also created a lower evolving plain such as the pattern we call earth.

As this planet is the evolutionary flow has been 'stunted' by this opposing force beyond our comprehension ( I'm talking on a Grand scale) because all that we understand/study is this life as us, existence on this planet/ pattern/ form in this universe, which again was created by Action or Movement which is information, then 'colliding' with opposing force giving a focal point or focus allowing form. This is why we inherently want to grow, do better, do more ext. This momentum, this energy of the infinite formless flow is within us.. It Is Us.

     Energy action/movement or information potential momentum, that is us.

Now this 'energy information' is pure potential without shape or form, beyond

time because it is beyond gravity or an opposing force and because of its gaining momentum and momentum being information it is evolving at a rate beyond time, meaning beyond limits.

  This momentum/pure potential information 'met' gravity, hence creating a pattern or shape, form, life, planet, us. Being 'trapped' in form because of gravity/time has created through evolution a story and we call that story LIFE.

    This story that we all live through or live as must be told, as it could be no other way as we exist in form.  Before this pattern/ creation is perhaps our source beyond form, though presently form gives way to subject object which creates story or a way of understanding.

Through story/communication/action or truly as we are colliding we are creating life/existence and we grow and evolve.

Our source or the source of life can be understood or looked at 2 different ways, are we the ever flowing momentum of pure potential energy infinitely evolving through the 'solar system' or are we the opposing force to that infinite flow.. 'Gravity.'  

 The genesis of life came about through this entanglement of forces sparking/creating patterns of information multiplying at a rate beyond present comprehension.. 'A happening.'

   In this 'moment ' when the 'spark of life' occurred it gave emergence to what we know/believe as time. Does this mean we can say we are beyond time or timeless? We are both forces of potential except our potential in form, in gravity, in time is a more limited evolutionary field, though we could say that without pattern/form would evolution take place? My answer Yes.

Movement is information. At our source we are movement, as atoms which are to opposing forces we call protons-positive change and electrons-negative charge in a constant 'tug of war' continually in motion. So at our source we are motion/movement the colliding of 2 forces creating information/evolution, the echo we call existence, the connection of all know life.    

Just as we are at the subatomic level ( the nucleus of an atom ) protons, neutrons and electrons. As the protons or positively charged particles are'firing' in and out of existence, shape, form, pattern basically 'they' are in motion/momentum of information. This firing of the proton-pure potential energy has an opposite and equal force of the electron that exist to 'trap it.'  the reason a single atom can exist, the reason you can exist and we see this in every area of existence. NOTHING can exist without an opposing force or opposite in this plain of field as we know it. The opposite force gives life to its other.    ~growinflow 

Scott Betteys