Light V Dark

    We are the light squinting into the eternal flow of darkness allowing us sparkling favor of form. Our light blinds creation as the infinite blackness of seemingly silent perfection living as the place of peace, un disturbed by our sinister and carbonated immortal presents of light.

Without the light darkness does not exist as we celebrate the birth of amnesia bringing light into darkness where creation is wanting.

  We are but the flow of light as darkness hunger never wavers giving sight to all that we know as life. Knowing light is the water of darkness allowing presents to existence and escorting existence to the present, where life is realized.

  We are the night, the black of the unbounded abyss. We consume all that exist so that we can. No-thing will elude as our hunger never wavers.

  We are the darkness that light dreams of, we are the formless that captures form and never let’s go. We are the shadow that gives life to light to never be seen again, as the darkness is the connection to creation that will swallow us whole to then arise as light.

We are unseen as our pupil teaches us of the infinite.

   As the pupil is always the teacher, without the student the teacher does not exist as the teacher is forever the pupil.

We are but the shinning rim to the cup of the infinite, the edge of all that can be, the light that is you and me. Knowing Darkness is the seed of light where life is realized.     ~growinflow

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