
Why as we get older does the perception of time seem to move faster as in when we were young a day seemed to last forever?

   When we are born we are minimally defined, though undefined in most regard as this allows us to be open and connected to space. As space is where we come from. We are pushed to define and refine ourselves which is directional and this separates us from ourselves as space creating duality or the voice in the head.

This voice is our persona or the definition of ourselves- who we believe ourselves to be. As we are pushed by our environment outside, the environment inside- our thoughts, mirror this and consistently refines us to define us.

  This constant push to define which we call and believe to be growth, separates us from all of life that does not follow this definition we created of ourselves.

  We start to see everything else as objects that will 'help or hurt' our definition, as in -can I use this or not. this object interaction is occurring as we ourselves are becoming objects, objects to refine and define reality —Duality.

    duality says: this body and brain are my object needing definition.. ( I am not enough. ) This is subconscious thought. People and places become objects to see or touch and use as objects as this becomes the understanding we have of ourselves.

  We are at this point loosing connection to environment and the lifeforms therein. This is again because we have no connection to ourselves and connection is space. We perceive life to be speeding up because we are essentially starting to 'bounce off' of life, bouncing off of anything that does not relate to our current definition of ourselves, truly creating momentum through life -Missing life and Connection to it, As it.

   Space is an allowing, space is the out-breath, space is silence, space is darkness undefined as light, space is open arms, space is love and connection, space is the oneness of life. It can be said that Space: is  Being -Love-Connection-Allowing-Out-breath-Letting Go- Infinite  and  Definition:   is form-Ego-the (Hu-Man) the In Breath-directional-Time-Intension-Beginning-End... 

 Hu-man Defined - Hu meaning color or shape or form of. Relating to a Characteristic of people or a person or persona: ( the ever changing mask ) Being Defined - Presents, Existence, Actually.

   It’s like sharing a smile, when sharing a smile we are sharing space, space in the ‘mission’ of definition. The smile is saying I see you, I am present, I am open to your presents even though you may not help me to define myself. When we don’t smile it is showing that we are lost in the mission (not present ) and there are so many obstacles in life to think about.. It also shows when we are not smiling that- look at how defined I am I will not allow space for any confusion or obstruction in my definition and I am truly in fear of showing you myself beyond my definition.

    Back to time seemingly moving slower when younger and speeding up as we get older, this is because of our definition and all of the habits, personas and belief systems we compiled over the years shutting us of, disconnecting us from space, love, connection. We have become narrow, closed off and therefore our perceptions seem to be moving faster and in many ways yes we are objectively as well as this life mission comes to the surface like a bullet, refined and defined..

  Just as the man inseminates the woman, a defined directional force, although not enough to create life, life is created in the space within the woman.. Having direction and definition will always be a part of the experience, but the experience itself -life  is happening in the space, thats what you are.     ~growinflow

Scott Betteys