Dependency the Greatest Business Reality

   The Space of Pure Potential and when focused energy takes a pattern or shape, that is us, that is our connected existence/experience. As we are a pattern, we are at our roots/source pure potential meaning we can change our pattern/life anytime, but we must see through our limiting patterns of conditioning, as these patterns are life for us and we have a hard time knowing anything other than if we do not recognize habitual limiting consequence.

     As energy is in a constant flux we are continually co-creating ever changing patterns- growing/evolving, but we must see/understand that this growth is within the conditioned dependency game. ( as in the area of illness and healing )


We pay to consume the poison, then we pay more to 'get rid of it.'


    Think of any massively profiting business, as a form of a dependency game within the game, a Great business is one that has created something that becomes necessary to obtain to experience happiness, peace, love or fulfillment.. or an ever greater business is one needed to survive. They understand the game and if played well create a believability that you must obtain this product or 'level of status' to be. 


    The game we are playing now is so conditioned in us and working so well we believe we need it To Survive, because to the best of ability it was created that way. This game is working so well we have a hard time knowing life without it! The business of disease and dependency. Its working So well you think your free .. you are free, but you must play.


   So if this is our Roots everything that grows is in dependency which evolves/grows in addiction and dis-ease, Are you truly in love or addicted to love? If rooted in dependency Love, Happiness, Peace , Fulfillment could Not be any other way and there is a disconnect there.  Is this True Full Potential Love your feeling, Happiness, Joy or just deluded experiences in this potential numbing game/pattern. The You you believe yourself to be has been raised/programed/conditioned in this present game/pattern we are in/experiencing which is NOT focused on raising your/our vibration, which is growth beyond the game. Love Beyond the game.

   HEY look over here!  Money - News - Sex - Your Not Enough - Respect yourself You Should Want More... and 'We' will tell you how to get it  through our programed definition. ( misinformation.. misdirection..) while you are giving your life for it!

Your life energy flows to dis-ease in this game, no wonder its everywhere! Its reflecting the conditioned belief, conditioned for a game we did not choose. 

   We must have love, become love or more accurately know that you are love to be able to truly share/experience it beyond the game, Beyond what we are told and shown is love.

 This business model is working so well we are actually subscribing to, asking for these dysfunctions, we are asking for dis-ease and we dont even realize it..

   Though a shift is occurring as many of us are waking up through continued pain and frustration finding there is not pot of gold giving True  love, peace, sustainability and fulfillment at the end of this delusional rainbow. As new patterns are formed with momentum of habitual action     ( thoughts are action. )

As more are Awakening to a new way of being human it will help to create a new way of experiencing, outside our Given beliefs of reality beyond our present game/patterns.        ~growinflow

Scott Betteys