
    Our present form of communication although in many ways has been evolving it has not in our daily face to face interaction, which I feel is the most important. When we use words to communicate it prevents us from knowing/connecting to our present reality and not knowing or connecting to the present brings stress, confusion, disconnect, fear etc. The moment we speak what we are truly "asking" of the listener to not be present. The moment we speak we are "turning on" the mind of the listener and talking them out of recognizing the infinitely wondrous gift that is this moment.

      Although most of us are stuck in our heads anyway we must be aware that we are just giving this always hungry brain something to think about. Just our lack of knowing how to communicate keeps us "stuck" in the past of separateness. We were all taught how to speak, but who taught us how to truly listen? The game that were playing now is one of a daily race of imposing ourselves on one another and our environment... You could say thats what Im doing now, but for the sake of getting past this please continue. Its the look at me game. Still? Its taken many forms, but the roots are in the same soil... We have been playing this long enough....

     We will never escape or avoid communication, Communication or connection IS life, but ways in which we do this will and already have changed. Notice what we are forever drawn to.. Many forms of  Art, Music, Food etc. are all types of communicating without speaking. (the depth of music is beyond the words.. thats my feeling. ) 

     Changing the way we interact through our daily communication we can change the world by means of staying present to the un-judged reality we are in. Not just by saying more "positive" things to each other I'm talking beyond that, we can actually GIVE peace NOW to each other and it is through our daily communication/interaction. When we use words to communicate we are sharing our "lies" with whoever is listening and they will respond with theirs, so basically we make our judgments and opinions stronger. Im saying our "lies" are our present truths, but the truth is also a lie, as it is ever changing and infinite.. just like you. To stay in the flow of change which is always happening, what you say and believe now is "a lie" because a lot of it will change as you grow/deepen/understand/evolve. Not to say that this is completely unhealthy because it is a part of growth, but to speak at all is making a judgment on life whatever the topic or situation is and that is harmful and also not our fault, it is the process of evolving. I just want to share awareness to something more that will bring more of what we are in search of..peace, love, connection. 

      When we speak the so called listener which isn't truly listening at all because the brain is working on any connection to what the speaker is saying, so the response comes quick..this is because the brain is just "firing" anything relatable, you didn't truly hear what they said. Its like looking something up online, type in a word or place or phrase etc the computer will respond with everything it can find to relate, but the computer doesn't truly understand. Its a crazy thing that the moment we speak to "connect" is the moment we create disconnect by starting the thinking mind of the "listener" and they don't truly hear a word you no true connection was made. We ether think to a agreeable story and we disagree to connect with the speaker, connection always the goal, that is life and agree or disagree you are still making connection, but connection to what...? To a thought. connecting your thoughts ( judgments/opinions) with their thoughts ( judgments/opinions) and this is our reality...NO TRUE connection. Which conjures fear, distrust, lack of faith, love, peace, oneness, belonging...but don't worry the are many addictions we can attach ourselves to to get through it.. Drugs, alcohol, sex, food, fitness, sleep, medication, work, vacations, texting etc. Actually we can create addiction to anything and its because of lack or true connection.. To "get through" our gift of life. Kinda scary... Our heart or soul or source knows that when we communicate we are primarily only making connection through our thoughts on life ...and it hurts. 

      To better communicate we must STOP speaking all the time and for those who don't talk this method I will briefly explain still applies.

Head up! PUT THE DEVICE AWAY Speak through your eyes by saying hi, hello, be well. Now when speaking through your eyes all phrases are instant, you can say A LOT in a brief moment.. We are and have been doing this forever, but its not generally recognized because were lost in though! Or our phone! ENOUGH. We Need Change! Always make eye contact and share a piece of yourself, in that moment. Now everything is "energy" and it acts like a mirror to balance so just beware of what your sharing, but always share It will liberate you. We have always been communication telepathically, through the eyes and body, if we just stop thinking=judging the environment=people, places, things we would see that. WE would evolve to a present, peaceful connected loving environment. Recognize your "body language" as we say for communication, we have always used it so be more aware of it, but portray it in a manner of connecting not separation. Its a feeling universe lets deeply understand this.

      All of this starts with becoming a better LISTENER. To "change" something is not to necessarily focus on it, you will get more of that. Its to focus on its "partner" that makes it a reality. Some "thing" cannot exist without its partner or opposite to make it true. Light- Dark Hot- Cold, even us, we some of us think we need to find our soul mate or partner to make us a reality, to believe in us, that we are here, that we exist, that we are "whole." ( thats another subject. )  SO to be a true listener will make you the ultimate communicator and that doesn't mean listening with your thought response. To be a better communicator really isn't that what most of us want right now..? To be heard?! or noticed?!  Im speaking for more peaceful connected reasons here not for the " thought of " beliefs of allot of our present interaction/connection. I believe we will physically evolve to be better equipped to communicate through our eyes more efficiently, to have communication and understanding in a sense of our true nature of expressed reality, instead of a drawn out conversation in which we are creating an elaborate story which sounds good to the over active brain, but truly creates an illusionary truth. Yes that is a part of the expression and joy of life through our stories, but lets talk truths through a deeper richer connection and see where that allowed space within "takes" us, what joys living a connected truth allows..! Its about having a better more advanced understanding of ourselves as expressed energy and how to use this form more efficiently... Within. More so than adding an outside material "invention", its better to understand what your true capabilities are first and I believe we will see that US, the manifest form of creation/evolution cannot create something more advanced then ourselves, even though it may look that way now its only because we don't actually "see" our true selves yet, we don't know our "user manual." What we see through our creation outside of ourselves is a reflection as we continue to discover deeper within. To communicate is to listen, not to speak out of fear of the silence of the teacher.   ~growinflow

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