Connection Naturally

    A time at an age of space within when our mental programs are  not completely downloaded and we still have a chance to actually connect with one another, with ourselves and environment -one of our greatest teachers. See I feel our natural environment, which does not use words to express itself, to prove itself, to create a connection nor is there a forcing or projecting.. it just is. That is why it is one of our greatest teachers. There is a flow there of just allowing, allowing creates connection and you will have it along with the true teachings of life. As i said nothing forced, no qualifications or degree needed, any age or background welcome, any and all religious beliefs you are welcome in this "classroom." The only "lesson" here is connection. Connection can't be understood through projecting, it is understood and realized through allowing. 

   Back to when we are accepting our first downloads our programs molding our understanding of life and creating our foundational perceptions which will soon be the “soil” in which we grow, we are taught or shown to be some soRt of object to Stand out from the crowd, to be different, bigger, better, faster, stronger, more talented, more intelligent. All in which are projections out which makes you an object, and more importantly creates lack of or no connection. separation is the lesson. You are now a rock in the stream or flow of life. 

   Now as we can see this focus has created a completed download and these programs we can all see manifested today. Our programs of lacking connection, which makes it easier to go to war, bomb and take over countries, poison our nations food source to create addiction and monetary gain, greed and desire... honestly that unsavory list goes on and on and that is not what I wish to continue.

As we can see appearing in our day to day desires, objects desire more objects. Like energy attracts like energy and what makes something an object is lack of connection. You can also see many justifications as we create attachments to objects, trying to give them life.. Attachment and connection are not the same in regards to our fundamental unwavering source of existence. Attachment is an addictive learned mental understanding and is at it roots dead. 

Connection through source or heart or the allowing of space within ( not projecting or pushing away ) is infinite and always growing, evolving, teaching.. its alive. Its US. If you have not allowed the space within for connection you do not have it with your partner, friends, community, environment etc. Connection is not projection, its an allowing -thats it.

Now you have created the space within for love, peace, joy, anger, pain and suffering, but in this allowed space you are not the object of these thoughts feeling and emotions, you realize your connection to a deeper source of being and these up, down, left, right, backward, forward feelings, thoughts and emotions are life happening, they are not you.

Which means they are not forever. You are not supposed to feel happy all the time so STOP being hard on yourself about it. This pain you are feeling will pass, your current situation whether its good or bad is not going to last.. understand that, be ok or connected to that understanding. In this way of living we are truly free and connected to life, to one another.. because within this understanding in this seeing we will know we ARE connection in this temporary form we call life and the disconnect was just a thought, an outdated now non serving program, a past held onto. 

    I mentioned nature earlier because for me it has been a master teacher in life. It feeds me, shelters me, allows me to connect to my creative heart as a refection of connection to. Nature allows my roots to grow deep and my branches to stretch high to accept the sun and who's breeze allows for a new day, a fresh start with each breath a whisper. Whose colors and sounds sing through the ages and connect us all on this journey through ourselves.

   We must recognize that projecting is objecting to connection. We project through our judging eyes, body language, words, actions, ears, nose as these sensory gifts connect to our limiting downloads, our outdated programs. The moment you project outwardly, stop.. recognize it. Just by your recognition you have created or allowed space, space to see and understand, space to GROW, evolve through that limited way of being, a truly dead way of living. The metaphor of the zombie, just repeating your program of disconnect from the situation which will continue to infect and affect true connection to all potential experiences of life, to existence itself as yourself, is yourself. This is seen today...

   I believe in you because I believe in me and we are in this together. We always were.. To listen is to hear, to listen is to allow and to allow is the greatest gift, the gift of connection. Soon we will allow this space within to stop believing and begin a knowing beyond which will become our existence.    ~growinflow