Our gift is separation

To create which is continuously occurring allowing connection equaling 1 Which is what you are, a creation, foremost ‘an allowing.’ There is a space, a moment, that minute blimp as we become manifest being/object outside of source, finite. Source, this is where the infinite exist. Where other worlds exist, meaning other outcomes/future realities.  * please see bottom page.

This space before my finger hits a “key” on this “keyboard” that is the letter “B” Is it a key or button and is this a keyboard or computer and what is the letter B.

This consensual conditioned understanding of even these few objectified tools outside of our physical presents is allowing this reality to be constructed as the duality of the conscious subconscious creator is continually crying out for foundation.

  0-1  For if I am here and you are there for me to be here I must have something to “stand” on for you to be there. For if it is only I, as this animal I, I am scared, alone, weakened, dis empowered in my fear of I. Though this is the illusion as for fear to exist I must be here and fear must be there and for me to be here and fear to be there I must be a stable being or be the illusion of stability. So in this, fear only exist when we give life to duality as in duality stability must be present and stability is an ill-usion as the I is all and not alone in this dance of duality.

 Pain is the bi product of the illusionary stability of 1.

I am here you are there. I am here the world is out there. Just for the word ‘There to exist promotes the illusion of place which is dualistic in manner, meaning illusory. Not real. equalling or allowing the space for pain/suffering to blossom into existence.

 So in this the old additive the Truth shall set you free or Truth shall prevail. Perhaps “man’s search for truth” etc. All derived from this falling or falling asleep in this illusion or a “choice reality” we are allowing together. ~growinflow

  • The only space/place where True choice exist as ALL outcomes or perceived outcomes are from these minute almost nonexistent choices in leading. I say almost nonexistent because You brought them into existence, No one else. In the space before reality is “when and where” You Are the creator. These spaces or moments in time as we perceive them happen so quickly almost instantaneous and these choices Create Whole Worlds/ Realities. Right before i take a bite, just before i say a word, the second I look left and not right, down to most minute choices, well minute as we perceive in this chosen reality- Like the color blue, what is blue? what are all colors for that matter? in our day to day lives We have agreed that we have Bigger things to think about than that, so it has become the “stability” of 1 a “building block” in this ill-usionary reality or duality we call life.

    See our lack of being present in life is that we allow this “go along with” realm of “choice” as we are programed to this reality. giving us our foundation in this world and choices that have been made for us not by us. these are what we might call “a given” Not all that is given is good..or good for us.

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