Programs Patterns

  Life and the areas of understanding- allowing this knowing to arise arises in the mind as the heart the heart already knows. only area that needs to understand is our mind.. then our "heart and the mind patterns are formed... "snowflakes" each specific and can never be repeated.. its part of our unique selves/lives. There is a "glue" if you will that holds these "patterns" together that gives these patterns/programs "light," "force," "connection," we can call it love, god, source. 

     If we let go to flow, if we "quiet" our minds and connect to source or god, life can seem to just happen. We succeed, thrive, love, laugh, cry, hurt, feel pain and we know this is all temporary, we are in the flow we call life. The moment a choice needs to be made our brain "kicks in" and this is where GROWTH happens.. This is where our pattern starts and our belief in love, god or a higher source is "tested." Our choices are our growth, this is why evolution naturally created a brain, because the true growth of us as human-beings is love and if this energy we call love is not "tested" it does not grow. Choices are our way of pushing the bounds of our understanding of what this force we call love is and in that it grows, it evolves.

     Fear. Fear is a choice. When we feel pain or suffering our belief in that creates our choice and our choice creates our pattern or program in the brain. We will not know if our choice is the "right" one the first time we make it.. Most times, because when we make this choice its at a very young age and this choice is not recognized as a choice, its just a reaction. Most of the patterns/programs created are ones to "escape" go the other direction, don't feel, don't think about, run from. The only time for most to recognize if this choice was the right one  is through pain, again. If this signal that is pain shows up in the choice or pattern we previously created we know we need to make a different one. Most of us will not recognize this and will continue making the same choice which is strengthening their pattern/program and this is about the point we say.. well life is hard and more importantly we become caught in the pattern that is "FEAR." 

      Our minds don't control us.. EVER. Its the patterns we programed this tool with that is the brain "controlling us," our actions.. Its essentially our "action plan!.." We created the programs and then strengthened them with repetitive choice, or you can say repetitive "action plan." A feeling, emotion arises from a given situation or stimulation and we go right into our pattern/program and get the same results. We then become comfortable we these "mindless" programs and COMFORT WILL ALWAYS DEFINE AS NOT GROWING. Comfort gives pleasure and pleasure is fleeting, an illusion. Most people say their goal is happiness, ITS NOT they are confused in there patterns, they are in search of pleasure with more more more never satisfied, because pleasure is defined that way. 

      That is where the saying, actually the state, that is "Present" comes from. To be in the present moment means you are not "lost" in a pattern/program previously created or "the past." To stay present means to see that life is truly always limitless and infinite in possibilities, which brings a sense of freedom and connection that is "followed up" by love, peace, oneness.. OUT of the program (that you created.)  The saying "trapped in the mind" or "stuck in the head" its not the mind its the brain and the set program you are trapped in.. the subconscious, your "recording devise." We must recognize when we take action first internally then accepting and believing in this thought which when focused on becomes many thoughts which turns into "your story" "your program of belief." To be aware of this limiting "software" is already creating a change to the program, in this way habitually, we will replace out outdated pain filled non serving patterns and we will grow and truly experience happiness and not just the "comfort" of the brief pleasure gained by our set patterns/programs. 

      The essence of our patterns and still the energy that holds it all together is love, is god. To grow or to evolve our snowflakes means the energy that holds it all together grows and evolves which means LOVE GROWS, GOD GROWS,  but we must recognize non serving old patterns/programs.

      This is what it means to come out of your "comfort zone" To come out of patterns/programs we have be living through since "their" creation many years ago, the first time we felt pain/suffering, or even peace and joy. As I said most of us have repeated these patterned programs so many times it has become life for us, we do not recognize these patterns anymore, the programs became life as we know it. We must recognize our programs.. they are always showing up through pain.

   Make a different choice, we must start watering the garden of growth. Just to notice the unhealthy pattern and its unhealthy because health is making the choice of fear, because fear is growth and growth is love and love is god and why is god fear? Because we created patterns unrecognized and limiting and these programs became life and we cannot separate ourselves from life and to notice a pattern creates fear because it means you must make LIFE CHANGING choices, these new choices create TRUE GROWTH and TRUE LOVE in the present moment. You will see that fear does not exist there, that fear is the illusion covering love/god. That is why it is said to "go at fear" or "follow what scares you" because its "outside of your set program and comfort.. so it scares the "hell out of you." Recognize it, face it, WIN. Win the game of "hiding" in your programs you call life.

     It can be said that man creates the patterns in life.. and woman shines the light of awareness on these patterns to guide men "back on track" to recognize patterns that no longer serve peace, connection, love and growth. We are all in this together, our "personal patterns" or snowflakes are connected, we must do this together thats the only way, STOP believing in your old programs recognize them, "face them" and be doing so you can let go and together we can be present in the growth of the being, the being that is us, the being that is love, the being that is one. Let the You Shine through  ~growinflow



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