the Delectable 3rd dimension

        3rd density existence is perpetuated by our addiction to it. 

Density defined : a degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume; able to measure the amount of information on a storage medium -the degree of compactness of a substance.

Our pleasure in food which is required to keep this 3rd density body alive to exist on this plain. Addiction to limiting 3rd dimensional language patterns to constantly describe what is around you, describe what is going on in your 3rd density life -continually providing judgements which strengthen the weight of the lower reality. 

      Making future plans on the emotional feedback based on the judgments of your 3rd dimensional sensory experience rooted in pleasure. 

        Having a pleasurable experience is not the focus here as this is not to be judged one way or the other as to feel pleasure in this 3rd dimension is a beautiful way to be. The focus here is “ascend” to a higher plain of reality. Allowing our atoms to vibrate at a higher frequency, a more rapid rate of being –existing. When this is the focus one can struggle in this widely accepted 3rd density way of living, way of experiencing. 

       The transitional life experience can be “lonely” and difficult. 

Dimension defined : a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height; an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing -to form or shape (something) to particular measurements.

  To acknowledge and accept the properties in the 3rd dimension one can realize and start to materialize the higher densities. First by acknowledging one’s own addictive pleasures to the vibrations in the 3rd density. The continued practice allows one clarity as this is the first “step” in transition. 

      Pleasure patterns are widely accepted in the 3rd dimensional way of being, so much so as to not be chasing or desiring a pleasurable experience is unheard of and rarely known. 

       In information being shared here is through the perception of the vessel writing this as we do not reside in the 3rd density, allow us to speak on it without attachment to the experience. Meaning we do not have patterns residing at this lower frequency allowing clarity of consciousness. This is the clarity we speak of -the recognition we are sharing here, to go beyond the patterns of pleasure. 

       The feeling of good and bad, light and dark are the reflection of this “transition” the light or good being the recognition of the dark or bad. 

The light defining as the higher frequency, growth, connection. The dark defining as stuck, non-growth, making the same mistakes, lack of connection. Connection to the higher self, the higher frequency –the higher dimension. 

     Recognition or clarity defines the other, which defines you. Making the “other” also you. As this perpetuates, clarity in this frequency refines and through this refinement stabilization arrises, this stabilization creates densities and dimensions. The clearer the recognition the faster or higher the frequency. The higher the frequency the less dense you become, bring clarity through connection -the less dense your are allows you to recognize you are not separate from your surroundings as you become one with.

     For many in this transition of recognition you may feel as though you have “1 foot” in this dimension and one in the next, though through your clarity this will allow for a greater definition creating automatic space -ascension. this can feel as though you find it difficult locating groups or tribes of people to fit into or bouts of loneliness. 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th and 11th density and dimensional realities of perception.

      The feelings and emotions you frequent create your experience, through that frequen-cy as this is what you will experience most in the world. This is because you can only experience what your state of recognition, your state of perception and your experience reflects it. You may see as though others are also going through this, when yes this is true though only because you are going through this. (whatever frequented feelings you choose to focus on you will reflect as experience; this creates your reality.)

  In the 3rd density the only way to grow, to evolve, to reach a higher plain of existing is -reality must seem to collapse as this is how lower frequencies operate. A physical collapse or destruction must occur. (the effect of this we call pain as pain does not exist, it is the effect of collapsing patterns for growth.. intellectually/ emotionally and physically) As in the lower vibrational fields “time” exists as an effect of lower or slower frequency perception. On a higher or faster vibrational plain you would not experience the collapse of the known reality as the experience is less dense. 

    You would instantaneously perceive immediate shift or change of experience. 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th density.

Einstein’s theory of general relativity speaks of “bending” space-time or the gravitational forces creating time and space depending on momentum and matter.

meaning the rate of frequency or vibration creates the density of the object or matter allowing the “play” of gravitational force. shifting ones dimensional plain of field or life experience. this is occurring all the ‘time’ though not clearly known to our point of focus. quieting the “pleasure” dimension ( which we are currently residing ) will allow better and better clARITY OF THIS VIBRATIONAL DANCE.

“we” are residing here because i am residing here. the people places and things i come in contact with day to day are because i knowingly and unknowingly choose to reside here…as soon as i recognize this my surroundings -people, places things will change. so truly to not be accepting of your current surroundings is to not be accepting of yourself creating conflict at your source, your soul frequency. this “shuts” down and limits your experience “trapping” you in the lower dimensions of experience.

      being truly present when taking in this information, at this moment -you and your surroundings are balanced as this vibrational pattern or sequence. as “sequential events” only occur in slower or lower vibrational pattern as our 3rd dimensional way of communicating. The process of reading -taking in, intellectualizing, contemplating, then emotionally responding. More clearly YOU are this vibration and the experienced reality is a reflection of this sequential state.

      Know that other patterns of being -”other” hu-mans, plants, animals, earth and sky, light and dark are your states of clarity of “other” as yourself. you will only experience what your understand about/ within yourself. you are the source of experience which creates “your life.”

      The first stage in moving to a higher density is to recognize the other as yourself, this physically makes you less dense -again meaning more connected.  This is “taught” early in development of the consensual 3rd dimensional experience. We teach our young to be separate and it starts with a name. we become objects, we become an objective experience ( i am here “you” are there, we are separate from all of life.. = pain )

     so The next step in this 3rd density “process of evolution” is to recognize the other as yourself. This is the time we are currently residing –recognition of the “other” as you. Only after will you ascend to a higher dimension as your density will begin to vibrate at a higher rate of frequency.

      Remember The more you relate to yourself as other you have a continued loop of an increasingly opaque and murky experience. I am here you are there. I am here and everything else is out there separate from me. I must “overcome” these “obstacles” in my way, to be worthy of life, worthy of a better experience.)

once you have some recognition You will then start to experience your environment and reality patterns have shifted and will take the shape to your present vibrational frequency. 

connection, acceptance, love as you connect, accept and love yourself.. you cannot have these experiences any other way.

3rd density or dimensional ways of trying to experience this are “if i show them i am smart, talented, beautiful, hard working, better than etc -then i will be accepted, loved and feel a sense of connection in life. not how it works, but it seems we are all stuck in this loop..which again keeps us “stuck” in the lower dimensional way of experiencing “life.”

Truly you are just moving from one pattern to the next and the focus is clarity of self through recognition of your present state of being. Again once this occurs you will continue to ascend to higher dimensions as your density folds in on itself to blossom again. “life and death”

       This is also noticed on our current plain of the 3rd dimension as perceptual, sensory, linear experience “seasons” or knowing darkness is the seed of light. The recognition that the other is also me and this allows me to actually be ascension. 

      Chasing pleasure is not good or bad though pleasure is an effect of the 3rd density experience. Making pleasure your focus keeps you in this reality and feeds the separation and clarity of oneself to allow ascension to a higher plain. 

          Balance is stabilization and energy will always create balance as this cannot be any other way. 10:01

 Time is an effect of a “lower or slower” vibrational rate. Because this frequency is slower, the “action effect” is that it takes “time” for something to occur. Creating a linear experience of events in the 3rd dimensional reality. 

 The more you connect with judgments the deeper you connect to the 3rd and lower densities creating a lower ( darker; less clarity ) dimensional experience. The effects of this are disconnection and heaviness amongst many other dis-eases. So as long as you are allowing judgments to continue to flow through your mind about yourself and the experience, the deeper you will continue to connect to this lower density reality. be aware.connect and share.


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