Gaining the Illusion

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   Are we ever taking in new information as we learn and grow? Or are we just uncovering what is already within us with the information and interactions through our human experience. Is the information gathered just ‘erasing’ the ‘blind spots’ giving insight? This illusionary gaining is actually just uncovering a piece of the true path of growth in which we are on.

  To know that we already have the information and knowledge throughout our existence and we are never gaining anything, only uncovering as the choices we make as to what is found within, defining the defined. When we speak are we only speaking with ourselves... To reflect back what we are uncovering, not truly looking for a response, just needing confirmation of our definition.

  Our journey is our own and is only occurring within this mental construct we call life. Interactions we have are interactions with ourselves as we are not separate from our environment, we created this form reflecting this environment and it is continually shaped by our response to it. Yes this means we seem to be responding to ourselves. The game we are playing is a game we can never win as this game only has one player.

consciousness = question = answer = experience = existence       ~growinflow

Scott Betteys