Numbers Facts

    Numbers are interwoven into lives the moment were born, starting with the documentation of date and time of our "birth." We have the number of years until we celebrate our first birthday, the number of years till were able to start "schooling." Start of friendship, length of friendship. The number representing length in house or location, first date, first kiss, first car, "finished schooling," lived in a state, country, age, bank account etc, etc. etc. numbers have taken over many or most aspects of our lives, of life.

   This I mention and I feel is important reason being we have made and continue to make life/existence a calculation and the human being, our being is not a calculation. Calculation has its place as an Expression of the being not as the being, in other words we don't know truly know ourselves yet so we become the object of calculation=confusion=pain and suffering. Numbers have a "life of their own" because we gave this method, this way of calculation, this gift most of our focus, our lifes energy and of course we did its our "new toy, " the thinking mind. This way of creating our reality through calculation has been the focus for "so long" we have "forgotten" who we are. This focus has created what we see this all around us in particular forms, sizes, locations, times etc etc and this could not be possible without numbers-calculations, but we have forgotten that calculation is only fruit on the tree that is life.. it is not the tree.

 The internet, tele-communication, computer, forms of music, cooking, meeting in a location for, love, friendship, career, family etc. We are incalculable beings existing in a seemingly calculated environment.                 

     Mathematics came about to try and make sense of our lives, our environment and the deepening belief through indisputable "truth" in these numbers have turned life into objects, objects to be transformed and manipulated.. on many levels like remodeling a house or working on a car. Numbers give our ego, our limited understanding a sense of knowing.. a sense of understanding life a sense of "comfort."

     We meaning humanity have been creating or trying to create structure in existence/life with method of numbers. Now if we look closer we will come to find that there is life and there are numbers, two distinct energies separate from on another, a separate "entity" in our existence. If there is a number one there must be a number two, this automatically creates comparison and most might say that is life, that is growth, yes calculated growth and its a feeling world. Since many of us are SO busy "running" on many levels.. we are not in touch with the true nature of who we are as beings, as connection. So we must calculate it, we must compete, but this "competition of growth creates a heavy existence each time we enter the "public environment."

Comparing and judging consciously and unconsciously.. creating more and more separateness in our world. Which I don't have to tell you all the dysfunctional ways a "living" that we go through because of this. Mentally, Physically, Personally, in our home, in our society, in our environment, in our world.  

   Humanity has been trying to incorporate numbers into life for a millennia ( oh there it is a number, meaning if there is a start there must be a finish.. and we see this echo through every facet of existence..) So much so it has created many platforms from which we exist or even exist at all. This belief in numbers has shaped our world yes, but we are not objects to be shaped by calculation and we have been allowing numbers to dictate our choices and paths in life.. From income to age. From the calculations of our celestial body, universe and solar system to rotation of the earth and cosmic signs which we then created our months, years, days, lives and deaths. Why do we believe in death? Numbers could be a reason why. what are numbers? "Facts." Not changing.

   When I looked up the definition of "fact" I did not see the word dead. The defining word of fact to me is dead.

   When something is to be believed as fact means its done growing/evolving "its a fact." Fact is an illusion created by feeding into the numbers game. If it is realized and recognized in life its not to be view/understood as something keeping us from growing or dead, but instead its our belief is these "facts" or illusions through our misuse of numbers as "they" pertain to life/existence. As I have said what we feed grows and facts were born out of numbers or calculation or thinking. Numbers are an expression of life, not a judgment or verification/calculation of life.

     Is love a calculation? which is the essence of life itself, the flowing of our existence? Many will answer yes, but imagine if numbers did not dictate our lives.. We would be free! Free from the illusionary structure/cage of our calculated lives. We meaning humanity have created a "framework" of "death" around life and have woven it into our existence and because of this our connection and understanding has been limited. Im talking about our connection and understanding of ourselves as life, not "in" life, as love in our ever-changing limitless existence. Now yes that may seem bold and crazy to say as we can see "our lives" expanding everyday through technology and I agree this has its place. What I'm saying is we have been choosing numbers=facts=death to dictate our lives for too long. 

     We could say well there are allot of crazy people out there and without the structure we have in place there would be chaos. If we take a "closer look" we would understand humanity created this monster, this chaotic energy force through Lack of connection and we as humanity have choosen ( whether we realize it or not ) to continue to feed it. People will then say who cares I don't have "time" to worry about why.. I have "things" to do so lock the "crazy people" up, kill them off, their disturbing the illusionary game of "structure."  Wait lets look again, why do you feel you don't have "time"? For one the illusion of time=belief of death and two, the brain is intelligent. What do I mean by that, well IF WE KEEP SOCIETY / HUMANITY CHASING THEIR TAIL THEY WILL NEVER STOP TO ASK QUESTIONS.

    I also say the brain because blame does not exist either it is an illusion as well, so we cannot say the government, world bank or a select few with a greater understanding playing our strings in creating a game, this "controlled environment" to keep human beings continually chasing something that seems just out of reach their whole lives ( love, fulfillment tranquility, acceptance ) and of course we keep chasing because we believe in time and we are running out of it. Go Go Go.. We have the "power" by choice as a whole, as connected beings to STOP this "race" But if we are kept busy enough we won't ask questions, thats the goal here, to keep the game going. All derived from our belief in numbers, calculations our illusionary cage.. Me You Judgment Separation. 

We have created our own cage of calculations=numbers=fact=not evolving within=dead around a limitless ever growing/evolving existence=love=life=you=me=us.  

Its a tricky topic because of all the beauty and growth calculation has given, but its outward beauty, outward evolution, rooted in the brain or thought, again a part of us, but not us as a life-force of connection. We are born in the illusion of disconnect and spend the rest of our lives creating ways to connect, which is life in motion or truly.. life. We must know that our universe will always have balance and if we are seeing evolution in one direction it is equal in another, which means our calculations which bread technology have been growing into our beings and have also been limiting our growth and evolution as beings, as a life-force. As I've previously said this limitation is in ways of time, age, finances, more, less, 1, 2, me, you, separate, judgment etc etc. TIME a set of numbers, a calculation and it Rules everyday of your waking existence. Bio-Hack for health (calculation) FB Profile -most only showing and creating the "best of " which is creating an illusionary self, what to show what not to, again (calculation) etc etc etc.

      Its a universe of connection, to body and mind balance for health and this will lead to seeing connection in one another, as in knowing one self, but we choose to give our power away to numbers, to calculation. We put a price on connection. If you can afford this then you can have that, is one of the biggest game of numbers. Health, happiness, wholeness, being loved, giving love a numbers game. It doesn't make sense? Health, happiness, connection and love are not calculated, this way of being is just allowing yourself to see, but first we must choose to see through the game. Our conditioning is deep, what I mean by that is it has been going on collectively for quit some time and as I said has interwoven into life as life, hence all the pain and suffering we have been going through. 

     There are around 7.5 billion humans in the world, but how many are actual Human Beings? To Be is ONE and its beyond that, but a number must be used for the brain to understand, don't we see that? Choose to be and your world will open up before your eyes as you have never know it for perhaps only in gypsies, but as its Always been, connected.

     Slow down is what I would truly like to impart. Breathe, feel life in every breath and your eyes will open, to a way of being, of seeing, that has always been there waiting for you with "open arms", always accepting never judging, or I will say never calculating. Use numbers do not let numbers use you and Know that you=life and are not a calculation from birth to death, you are life, ever changing and spontaneous, vibrant and free.     ~growinflow

Scott Betteys