
   Isn't it funny how our conditioned mind believes that more/new material items in life shows that you are evolving when truly behind the conditioned thoughts what is happening is this person is getting better or in that game that is escapism. 

  We are creators not survivors as we must recognize this surviving our emotions game we are playing. Many get trapped in supporting that growth through bigger, better, more is our evolution as beings. I must say yes it is evolution with the present rules of object obtainment, so yes your expanding in that regard. This is not a problem as long as you know its a game you're playing.

  We are always looking for order, security, something we can count on, touch, taste, hear, see, smell and know will be there, something that will not change. 

  This way of living through order is a mechanical existence, cold and un-flowing, not alive, only getting 'life support' through not letting go of the thought of. 

This search or illusional need for security is why we define ourselves and live through the past. We can see the past, we know it exist, we can count on the past and we can dissect the past, meaning fear does not exist in the past. 

  An illusionary life of order through defining through the past Actually creates fear in the present 'future.' Fear for loosing ones place of changing who you think you are. This is what we recognize as growth for our lives. Am I 'better' than I was yesterday. Then we define this illusionary growth against another and another and the rest of civilization. 

Again I must say that pitting yourself against you past self which creates the self talk everyone does as its being more and more accepted as 'normal' the splitting of personalities of the 'ordered' 'past self' of its illusionary securities and the present self in the now, which truly all there is other that thought. 

 We are the patterns created by a force we call gravity. Gravity allowing pattern/form creates 'me' and 'you' one two. A sense of mechanical calculate, or looked at as order through recognition. 

The only thing in this life that is growing/evolving is your brain/mind. The moment you took form is when 'the moment' took existence, took time, took life and death. This moment you were born your whole existence becomes, blossoms in that moment. The illusion that we grow, learn and evolve is the brain. Our form is changing, but we are not.. meaning the form is evolving as the brain does.  The brain needs time to evolve because thats what the brain is, it needs time to evolve to see what you already are and we see this as growing, learning, evolving. 

All it is is the brain catching up to you. life. So as the brain evolves so does reality for us, but is reality evolving or just becoming clearer.   ~growinflow

Scott Betteys