Give-in Health

Give-in your health, 'Were smart your dumb'.. 

   The U.S. the land of the free, the place to be. The game here is woking so well it draws in people from around the world believing in it, the infection growing. Continually bombarding our minds with other nations at war while we are the land of the free, when truly the conditioning here is at such a complexity we do not even realize it. We believe we are making our own choices. When we can physically see other countries fighting back against control portraying these countries are out of control, our control is so deep in our psyche we don't even recognize it.

    These beliefs that were introduced like infection to life have become life. Life is the infection. How achievement is defined, how failure is defined, happiness, sadness ect. That's why we look for security because we are playing a game, a game of dis-ease, so might that then mean we are looking for security in dis-ease? dis-harmony?

The human drive that has evolved from not being at ease has allowed for quite an experience. Although this dis-ease as a reflection from within has allowed grand patterns of reality to take shape and are the same patterns causing levels of dis-function, they are one in the same. As this dis-function is experienced outside of us it is naturally experienced with us as one in the same ( not separate ) UNLESS WE ARE AWARE.

    Awareness CHANGES the game because awareness 'shines light' on the patterns we are experiencing.

 We have an affection for the infection and we must be aware.. within. We must 'step out of the game to witness' and just being aware changes the game, it creates space between you and the patterns you are programed with, just that space IS the change because now you are aware of your infinite self where the impossible how no meaning, there is no pattern to give possible and impossible meaning. There just is, the essence of being beyond the human being where we can realize healing again, love again beyond love in the game, the pattern the brain creates giving us our false understandings, but understandings we had to experience to get to this point. no mistake ever existence in any pattern created on the micro to macro experiential plain. 

    LETS GROW/EVOLVE beyond the present patterns given and build on something new. Feeding fear vibrational force will not move us into the unknown of being beyond the human. This information gather will move our species to experiences beyond what this pattern/game can offer. BE AWARE

    Intelligence is an illusion in this game, as this game is such.

    To tell someone to have a good day is truly implying that the day is not good, thats why your wishing them to have a good one.

   You are actually letting them know that you agree that this day/life is difficult ( not good. )

   No need to speak, greet with your eyes as they tell your story in that moment and what you give you will receive so share well.   Scientific health 'discoveries' to help with dis-ease that may help or work are temporary in the fact that energy is in a flux always shifting and changing form, growing in consistently changing patterns through our level of awareness of self and our connection. These "discoveries" that we take in as belief in our everyday choices lasting decades is creating our patterned reality. As we believe we are shaping our world. Are these Beliefs Yours? 

    We are kept so "busy" in our everyday lives which is a pattern built on the pattern of the game we playing so that we then take any "discovery" and belief given to us, which our patterns grow from again creating reality. These are "surface" discoveries in health because it is addressing the dis-ease at this time, a dis-ease we allow ourselves to be addicted to, but we base our lives from this information conscious and subconsciously each day creating a habit creating a pattern or web which we will become addicted to then fearful if and when we step out of the self created pattern/program. CONTROL. Thats where fear comes from, stepping out of your patterns, the "unknown" out of comfort zone.. ect.. the comfort zone not created by you! 

Created by accepting a belief creating habits creating patterns creating your reality and its NOT yours.. then creating fear to "step out." 

The joke is in this present 'game' called life is you believe you are in control, that your choices are your own.. look closer. 

   The "Information age" we experiencing where, hey just look it up is the norm, in the health field, bombards us with more confusing terminology that is easy thrown around as if we are being informed. Ok look deeper, the meanings, the clinical test again of a dis-ease created by our presently created patterns of belief in them. We are left even more confused and again give our trust and more importantly belief to someone else to heal us than ourselves again creating dependency through habitually giving away your healing power creating a pattern of dependency. $$ $$$

 There is dis-ease yes, what I am saying is we created it and we continue to feed into it.

    As we Choose to cloud through lack of belief and self inquiry, our own abilities the light of our ability to heal to love grows dim, our frequency lowers and We create lower vibrations that will then create patterns and manifest dis-ease. We will be prone to this dis-ease as our vibrational frequency welcomes this lower state of being and you don't even realize it.

    What may be "good for you" now may and probably won't be in 10 years or less, as we are energy flowing and ever changing, but if we continue to give away our power we will continue to be Dependent on Dis-ease through the beliefs of others. See we are not only dependent on others to make us happy, make us feel better, heal us, we are more truly Dependent on dis-ease! We believe it is there and bound to strike us at anytime and we take other people beliefs on this as well as their drug plans.. The thing is we are all in dis-ease as we continue to carry these patterns of belief.  

   WE ARE IN DIS-EASE BECAUSE WE KEEP GIVING AWAY OUR POWER. The power within you, the power that IS you. Yes if you keep giving away or neglecting something, not giving it focus you seemingly loose it, or truly you just "cover it up." You don't EVER loose healing power or love because its who and what you are! We are just in a state of stunted growth from covering up our true nature which yes causes stress and frustration in our lives, always dependent on the "expert," how can someone else be the "expert" of you?!  How, because you allow it. Your busy looking outward on becoming what your TOLD TO BE through a belief system presented to you! Creating your habits, patterns, life/reality and paying for it with your life... literary.

     Again do you really believe the game your playing is towards happiness and fulfillment is yours? The game of giving away your power, your essence, your true nature. We believe we are so much more intelligent from the "animal" kingdom, but they don't give away there power, to heal and to be connected to it, to love, to life, to one another. We the "sophisticated ones" ( because of habitually giving away our light/healing/love/life ) were so easily confused into belief of just about anything. 

   BE AWARE Only awareness will allow 'light' on your present program/belief and only there can you let it go     ~growinflow

Scott Betteys