

Patterns we are not in sync with will beat us around, muddy us up and challenge our everyday. Your current harmonic rhythm can make adjustments and will try –our emotions are the effect. 

             If the pull of a new vibrational rhythm is intense enough you will get pulled in –this is called belief. It’s like trying out a rhythm of flow to see how it feels. The next connection would be once on this plain of field you have the awareness to look –to actually see the frequency, to be present. By allowing this you progress in the reflection of yourself. Is there clarity? How does this reflection resonate with you? Does it bring a deeper level of clarity to the viewer? If the feedback is muddy let go of the fuzzy, distracting vibrational frequency and integrate areas of clarity realized. 

                To have clarity on a lifetime of different paths.. is this possible? As each journey taken is a journey of the self. A journey you are taking, as we are all connected in the uncovering -the journey of clarity of self through every aspect of perception we create. 

               This is seemingly infinite. Though repetition is occurring as this is also one aspect of reflection of clerical experience –rhythmic pattern. 

When quieting these perceptional realities, no words can describe theexperience, as no action or movement is or is occurring. It is all one

               We are collecting data and when we have too much of it in any one perceptional experience we are out of balance, our orbital plain or path as these frequencies is again “muddy”-disturbed clarity.

              We must trust that what we see clearly. This is the evolution of flow. 

To ask a question. To actualize the lack of synch allows detachment 

( which is life itself; the lack of synch; an infinite spiritual/ energetic being in a finite/ dying form ) creating a reflection which allowschoice to exist. 

            We are the generators to reflect detachment. If we can sense it we recognize it as separate from self, allowing choice of path or direction. 

            We experience life through spreading our colors we call our beliefs through our emotional frequencies and we call it reality –our reality. The more we can get other beings to connect to our frequency the more reflection data we can achieve allowing for a clearer understanding of current perception. 

            This is what we call ego. The force of frequency on another so that your reality has more perceptional data of informational evolutionary growth. Though the ego spectrum is one of many infinite perceptions of reflection. 

 To perceive is to separateI am here, you are there.

   As my heart eats there is a force behind the force. My heart beats out ward –providing, then pulls inward to the force. 

 Beyond that force is another force providing outward, then pulling inward to another force. Each one allowing space for creation. This is your hart-beat.

           In the 3rddimension we are most connected to the outward force. ( perceptionally ) The creator of frequencies materializing into what we believe to be objects of existence or life around us as we currently understand it. 

The pull inward allows the understanding of source –source of force. The deeper we go in understanding of reflection the higher the ring of light goes which is you. Your frequency raises. 

          When you connect deeply to a construct you can slow down and this allows space for a vibrational orgy, creating an infinite reality.Its only thorough present moment connection to the entire construct you achieve clarity allowing space for the force of source to raise frequency

   Maybe we are at the trail of what we call a black hole. Energy to exist must balance itself –if a black hole has the force to create orbit for our sun there must be an equal and opposite force projecting outward, this is what we call ego 9 our current perceptional field of reflection of understanding and all the energetic beings in this reality are connected as the reflection of perception in that reality. 

               Though in this projection we are not clear as its identifies as separate from source. So to trust we seek clarity of experienced understanding. 

               A perception is one of repeatable reflections as understood as Karmic realities. As this is balance supporting the current perception. 

As light and dark are required to support the 3rddimension. In this understanding the forces are separate. 

   The more the frequency root of force comes from separate perceptions balance will occur, creating the effect you call time. Without trust through connection you will continue to experience the rhythm of the frequent-cy, Time. -trapped in the cycle of time.

Frequent; adjective: occurring or done on many occasions, in many cases, or in quick succession.

verb: visit (a place) often or habitually.

Through “quieting” the frequency, then the reality you are able to understand clarity of current connection –to then rise.

Current; adjective: belonging to the present; happening or being used or done now.

noun: a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.

To rise is the wisdom to connect to the lower. Another way to understand is, what we project we let go of on every perspective space reflected and to clarity see what is reflected we must create balance by recognizing it and by clearly recognizing it we see it is ourselves. 

You cannot connect with anything outside of you –meaning the reality you’re currently in are your projections, you can only collect data for clarity of reflection. This is where what we call fear comes from.  

  Attempting to connect to something we are not actually separate from. To try and connect in this way allows feedback of disconnection creating a looped experience. A plain of existence where we live through inspiration not directly as in-spiration–as spirit itself. 

As we learn to trust the other perceptions as our own, the plain of field becomes clearer –meaning the frequency has increased.

When we judge a situation interrupting the current moment we are projecting–you could say we are coming out to greet it. This creates a barrier, separation or a blocking of the experienced situation and we cannot see or experience completely or fully. 

Projecting; adjective: extending outward beyond something else; protruding.

                     verb:estimate or forecast (something) on the basis of present trends or data.

As the way of increasing our vibration allowing a decrease in density is to achieve the clearest acceptance of oneself. 

     Every false and muddy definition of oneself creates a multitude of other realities. It is like crashing glass together at such a rate of speed that the objects seem to be moving slowly –to the depth where an infinite amount of alternate realities are set into motion of the current frequency the same plain of existing. 

          Karmic balance must be achieved on this created plain before ascension-al space can occur. 

          Once the “waters are still” you become Absolute clarity, allowing space and the rising of your density ( becoming less dense ) as there is no pushback or defense against the unknown. 

          When we crash we change form and color as the infinite reflections pour into existence –spitting and splitting in infinite directions. The closest and almost absolute vibrational frequencies come back to us as feelings and experiences of past lives to assist in the clarity of oneself. 

           Creating space allows clarity of connection through trust in understanding of oneself ( not separate. ) 

Understanding comes through the space of the question, as the question allows the answer to exist, providing clarity of space raising your vibrational experience. 

  Your pattern sustains the current experience, it is when you create space around the pattern ( you ) only then can you see it clearly and clarity allows a full immersion to then do it again, creating a pattern then creating space to view the reflection -connecting fully, completely and so on. With more and more clarity your frequency raises.  ~growinflow


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