Begin to Wonder Relationship


  We are beings of evolution, now that doesn’t sound romantic or very heartfelt or sexy but if truly understood we would know more about our relationship with one another. We are also beings of energy and vibration, the rush we tend to feel when in passing by someone of attraction and with a glance we feel exhilarated. (evolution at work.) In short its the feeling of evolution to procreate and the connection of our present vibration “fits” with the people we are presently attracted to, like the feeling she/he completes me (at this time perhaps.) Then dating.. a deeper connection, then marriage, home, children future...? Happiness is not certain but growing, changing, evolving is, choice gives direction on path of growth and its in our makeup its what we are! So to keep your relationship strong and attractive to one another we must evolve. Choose to listen, focus a portion in all of your daily activities as just a listener, its our greatest tool next to action. To listen then to act creates our reality, but listening from where, your mind or your heart? again choice..Your partner is always giving you ways of fulfilling their lives, but it starts with listening and not from their words its in their actions or non action. TO LISTEN IS TO CONNECT...where are you listening from? most of us our minds because thats what we FOCUS on or feed on a daily basis and what we feed grows.. to listen is to connect, when we listen we surrender ourselves to the moment and not try to control it with our actions. WE ARE PRESENT. Listen deeper than thought because then you hear from your heart and thats where all of your action towards your partner will come from and from listening from your heart you HEAR YOUR OWN truth.. you find yourself and then you know exactly what your partner can do to help with your growth or evolution of life! We deeply want growth in this life in many ways and forms, its inevitable its happening now! We have become comfortable with the vibration or energy of our mind and its the lens "we know". BUT that lens does not work in works with creation but not connection, we must connect first. YOU CANNOT give what you do not have, you cannot give love if you do not see it in yourself, see it as yourself. Most times we count on our partners to show us love to give us love no matter what, but then tend to feel let down.. we begin to feel that what is given is not what we need at this time..or does he ever listen or pay attention?! Its not that the relationship is not right or falling apart its that the listening has stopped or for most the listening is from the wrong place. We live in a world of “mind” sprinkled with heart instead of the other way around, so being in a MENTAL vibration all day its tough to TURN OFF when we come home to our partner..We want to then SWITCH our focus to listening and giving from our HEART. We start giving love from a place of ill buy her flowers or a vacation or a ring..NOT what she needs!! she needs a listener, a listener from the heart so that your actions are from he same place and you can never go wrong. 

        To listen from the heart we must live from our be comfortable, with us. With who and what we are, if not many of our actions will come from the walls around our true selves "protecting" us, but more truthfully disconnecting us from life and the people in it. Forget the ears on your head  "create" ears, eyes, mouth, on your heart. It takes practice it takes focus and it starts with listening, breathing your energy and focus into your body is a start..quite your mind and listen. Knowing the love within allows you to give it.. to act from it.. to speak from it.. to live within know that you truly ARE it. We as human organisms have feed or focused on our thinking minds and it has given rise to wondrous things but its gotten a bit out of control like driving a car and knowing if you hit the gas something happens, things move, you move, you change and the more you hit it the more things move, the more they change and the brake becomes nonexistent and this one focus becomes the focus for everything! but wait! this focus does not work for love..this go learn and grow through the one way the way of thinking gives us everything except the one thing we need to bloom, to blossom, to glow..LOVE. The thinking mind can create the best soil or climate or amount of sun and water needed, but the mind cannot make the flower bloom. SO we must give focus back to our TRUE selves, love. Its always been there waiting for us to recognize it, because.. it is us. Its who we truly are, we use this life searching for who we are so that we can ultimately find love in our life when LOVE IS US all along. The old saying if you don’t use it you loose it.. that fraise works for many things in this journey but not for life, because life is love.. WE are love we can never loose it, but we can for get how to see it. What we give focus to grows, know yourself as love again that connection is the one thing that will never change between you and your partner, between all of us. LOVE takes many forms in the physical world but the vibration is the same in all of us, In all of existence! "SEE" that again, KNOW IT as yourself, trust all your life to it and you will always know what your partner is missing, wanting, needing, feeling because you know those feelings within yourself. STOP looking for who you are in this world and having a partner to be there for you and help you achieve this “person” that is you..that is a beautiful thing and apart of will come, but first come home to the being that YOU ARE..LOVE. (definition of person~comes from the word persona, to act NOT to be.) Playing “person” is part of the dance of life and having a dance partner to share the floor of creation with, to smile into the sun until the moon grants passage home to continue to know the oneness of one another that is love, we know to be true..Love is one of the grandest adventures of all.

      Have FAITH which is believing and knowing the source of life that in knowing YOU=LOVE again that the soil the climate the water and sun is just right for your partner to bloom because you know when she/he is looking in your eyes her/his heart is smiling and that this smile is also yours. If you "let go" to truly see deeper you will see yourself and beyond that god, or the flow of life, the universe..existence as a mirror. The one thing that will never change is you are both and forever will be connected by the vibration we call LOVE, the one vibration/energy where the illusion of separateness does not exist. Lets commit to "knowing" our true selves again..even in this fast paced race we created with one another we call life. We play these games where we feel everything is a competition and we "battle against" one another and when it comes to making change to learn to grow to "be Better than the next" where do we get that information or strength or confidence FROM OTHERS. Or wait not others, i get my strength and confidence from my partner, yes great beautiful amazing connection, but imagine if we were just honest with all of life and letting go to allow each being to teach us to give us strength what a world it would be. Competition draws out great things in us but there is a time to let go and connect. I feel thats true growth in the human being larger than oneself.

     There is another life if we just stop and will appear before your eyes and bloom within your heart and this race will turn into a dance in where the goal is not to win but to connect...truly connect, lets win as one..its the only way we can. We are all in this journey and no one gets out alive SO I extend my hand and ask.. may I have this dance?   

     I  know it will lead to happy healthy relationships which means a happy healthy world where we can all GLOW and GROW together.   ~growinflow

Scott Betteys