Senses Hypnotized

    Communication and Language a beautiful and dynamic part of our way of creating, growing, learning, loving, sharing our passions, sharing ourselves. Its a part of what creates our beliefs then ultimately our reality...its also one of our greatest tools to hypnotize one another. As we "bump" into life our senses react to give feedback through the nervous system instantaneously giving us a level of awareness to the environment, to "life." Ones opinion on what they see in the shared environment also has an affect on what you believe you see as well.. What you hear, what you taste, what you smell, what you feel about the external environment, but its all happening and effecting you internally which can have a "eco effect" on how or what you believe in areas of life. ( momentary and long term )

          What dictates most of our decisions in life are our past experience, with these senses.. that truly give us a sense driven projection of this material existence. Have you ever thought that your 5 major senses are only the surface of life? of existence on this spinning ball, that these senses are perhaps only there to keep the organism that is us alive? Just like the one of the primary function of our nervous system through thought. 

We get caught up in the survival methods of our thinking which in turn causes lack of balance and massive stress. Stress does not exist. It is a thought. If you are physically feeling stress- a signal that you are out of balance and you have been "lead" there by your thinking... This word that is derived from a feeling is a gift, its a signal to STOP step out of thinking, be aware and make a change.  

STEP OUT OF THINKING?! what is that?! Just like the emotion or feeling of pain. It is a signal to breathe "step out of the game" which is in your head as well and make changes about your belief of pain. 

WE ARE BORN IN BALANCE, actually being out of balance is just a thought, but steered and fueled by emotion. That is where letting go of the need to control comes in. What the mind doesn't understand it fears and so far we have been primary creatures taking pride on our ability to think, which is great, but then there is that fear thing. We have given SO much focus which is energy to our thinking mind it has tangled and twisted our sense of reality. Hence we feel like the blowing leaf on the tree instead of the tree itself..rooted, belonging, connected. We have "gathered up" our input from our 5 sensory neurons and this has defined much of our lives, our relationships, our opinions (likes, dislikes) our beliefs, which in turn your create your reality anyway. What you believe becomes your reality. So. here we are. We choose the relationships that we feel comfortable with or closely connected with, but connected with what?! Actual reality the infinite existence that is you or is it your gather focuses on sensory information to "keep the organism alive" pain/fears. Your gathered information about "life" through distrust of the environment and people..your belief in lack of connection, perhaps. Maybe that comes from being hypnotized since birth that we are not enough so we must impose ourselves on the environment to be worthy of it. I am here look at me! and this comes from the day were born.. Just to blink or walk or talk or smile we are given powerful feedback through cheers and hugs kisses (love) pictures, praises.. and then as we get older were told were not enough..get good grades stay out of trouble pick up your room etc etc etc...WAIT WATCH ME SMILE AT YOU oh...thats not enough anymore?....ok. Confusion. Yes MANY people live "lightly" letting go to the moment and treat existence as such, but many of us are looking at life through past focused beliefs primarily on pain and fear. Now how much of the basis of what we see to be our reality grows from this place? this place and pain and fear.. Most? All? yikes! Am i truly seeing reality or the reality created by my focus thinking and most scary my focused thinking about pain and fear!! So the soil in which we grow and are rooted in through our relationships our choices our direction is from this place?! 

           As i have said in previous blogs we have created beautiful things with our thinking minds, but what we are truly creating is what has been us all along..essentially we are recreating us an amazing, beautiful, seemingly complexed whats wrong with that? Well the balance part. WE ARE LIVING BREATHING WEEBLE WOBBLES. Heavy in the head. Thats why we have not developed control over our nervous system, understanding the depths of our healing capabilities of our connectedness to the environment to one another.

           The internet for example is a reproduction of the neural network of the brain. Now we can only create materially what we believe or know to be true within first. SO we are just evolving through recognizing the depth of us within externally...and as we see it takes many of us to create one system, a system that a single person IS within. Can you imagine the timeless, boundless, immeasurable, perpetuating, transcendental being that you are! Growth or evolving happens within us long before we ever see it create it etc. in the material vibration of life. ~ more on that another time.

          Now our senses, huh...have we ever known the true depth of these gifts? or did we "stunt our growth" with our focused attention on the imbalance of our thinking minds and continued to grow from that soil from that belief?, its also the collective soil we chose to believe in, the agreeance we have, but again from the same more shallow place the limited, continually  judging continually "right" continually living through stored past experiences... Because we figured there are more important things to focus on we said yep those are my ears those are my eyes, my mouth, skin, nose etc. this is my body..ok, now what are you going to do with it?!! Thats what were got a brain now use it! become "someone" which states your no one, oh..ok. Everything in this world grows out of you! out of what we sense to be this world to this point! Shouldnt lesson one be get to deeply know your senses, to truly know this body within and its connection to existence. NO! there are more important things like becoming someone or something... So now we have been taking to long road there.. as i was saying all of our technology is a reflection of ourselves and if we would start "allowing" our youth early on to focus on these areas we would develop and evolve in ways unimagined now..could you imagine the growth of our known species? of our known world?!  That is what happens when giving too much focus or energy to your mind..your thoughts..that voice cant see depth. We have only "allowed" the growth so stopped in may ways, but GROWTH IS A PROCESS OF SEEING WHAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE. We must feel pain, fear etc to push up against to open up areas of our minds and hearts/soul/source to see the existence that has been there all along...Yes the many fulfilling joys in life are found through going the "long way" its part of "life", but does it have to be? or can we evolve to a whole other plain of existence?  Sure we can! 

         Most of what we know to be life has been interpreted through the lens of thought, through this nervous system, but if we stop focusing there and give attention back within our internal universe a reality has a chance to open up to layers of these senses rarely explored. You ARE sound You ARE sight You ARE smell, taste, touch they are a "make up" of the human body you are your senses.. they arent just a part of you and are NOT limited to what the mind chooses to recognize. These senses embody you and are as boundless as you are and can be broaden, just stop thinking :) easy to say right, many people don't know life without that voice..  Give them focus. You will find to truly see will not be with your eyes and to truly hear will not be with your ears. To truly know life and our connection will not be with your thoughts, we see this in many facets of art, expression.. Words are limiting and limited, but great to hypnotize the listener of what reality is. Remember the thinking mind is only giving feedback on what comes through the senses first..change that and the whole "game" changes..What does that mean? That means there is a "space" a gap if you will before thought..ITS YOU. The SPACE in which thought occurs..Thought is an activity in the space that is you. You are not the sum of your thoughts!, the thoughts you've collected and embodied, thoughts that are limiting..too much focus has been given to the survival mechanism of life and that mechanism focuses on pain and fear. It that shows us that we are still living in a more infant fashion is that many of still see pain and fear as bad things when if you look a bit closer you will see it as growth and evolution. (easy to say) but truth there. There are real dangers, but the truth of these dangers pails in comparison to the amount of "danger" the mind comes up with!! GARBAGE!! Is that really the sum of you?! All of this may seem complexed, weird, loco, but the only complexities are the ones perceived by the mind. Life itself just is stop imposing through thought and let go to the flow FIRST..then the to incorporate thought will be in true balance with life..with us. Mind is a wondrous tool, but we have rooted ourselves there, hence our detachment from life.. ourselves. To know that is to know existence beyond the limitations and illussionary world of thought, or as Robert Wilson stated in thought we are living through our own reality tunnels.

         Everything is energy.. also, like energy can only hold a bonding experience with like energy, so just like at our personal level we attract and retract people, places, things, experiences etc. humanity as a whole is doing this as well, the same experienced existence at surface, agreed upon levels. What can we do with this life this organism when focusing on a greater power within us?! To truly grow from "children" as we been acting ( i have more toys than you, I'm smarter, I'm stronger etc.) to "adults" in the universe. There are many through history who have gone beyond this way of limited belief of thought and a few recognized are Jesus and Siddhartha The Buddha. ( just examples of know beings only to bring another layer to point of blog, not to stir anyone up too much:) They went beyond to the level of one. One source that all life including us flow out of..We are temporary expression of source. They were chosen and practiced to let go to the flow, to see themselves as the same wave and they are just part of the current, which can't exist without each other. You can't have a current without creating a wave or flow and of course you can't have wave without creating a current or flow. Just because you cannot see it does not mean it doesn't exist... The "air" we breathe sustains our existence and we can't see it... See our thinking mind is caught in a cycle of imposing itself which causes problems, then the mind will try to fix the problem with more thinking, but in feeding this cycle it tends to just pull us away from connection to life, to ourselves, to one another, then an EXPLOSION of "problems" or should I say thoughts arise, we become the person =persona which is a character an image) to the drama=which is a play an act, a show) of life...Dont get me wrong here the script IS interesting, but is there more? yes. To truly grow you must be rooted the present and fluid in your beliefs...let go to the flow and there you will know, you. ~growinflow

Scott Betteys