The Comforting Dark Knows Light that is True

    We must have some one or something to "bump up" against to define who we are, we are interdependent, we are one. A temporary expression of source. 

         The Darkness in our lives is not there to run from, to turn around and go the other way or that we are doing something wrong. It is there to show us the light. We must have struggles and hard times.. they allow us to learn, grow and see our greatness. We must embrace the darkness and in doing so we become the light. Its like loving the fear, the struggles and pain..hugging them so tight that light comes out..the essence of that light is you. Without darkness there can be no light. Everything is black, is that way..within that darkness there is life, like "dark" energy and with a spark that is Belief light grows. Light grows out of darkness..light and darkness are one in the same. Light does not exist without its mate and "other side" dark..Light is darkness evolving. 

     Its like when a seed is planted deep within the soil..when life gets dark, gets pain filled, when you hurt your seeds are being planted only to allow your light to come out, to become brighter! to grow! 

        Everything starts in the dark only for you to choose to believe the darkness can become something more. That you allow your light to grow, that believing in light in which the darkness "showed" you the way. As you believe and your light grows you become brighter, more defined.. This light that is you born from the belief/knowing that there could be more, that you are the light! You are the being believed from the dark. Don't let hurt and fear dim your light, your light creates all of life in your world and all of life in your world creates your light. This is whats connects us, but we cannot have "light" without "dark..." "Knowing darkness" is the seed of light.   ~growinflow

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