Dark Light Life

   The light and dark dance as they take turns leading our growth on this planet and thankful for us their not tired yet. If we take notice of the rotation giving us just the right amount of sunlight in any given day to just the right amount of darkness allows life here on earth, allows me to be here writing this. Since the primary focus of this new toy our mind has most of our attention we as an organism forgot to heal oneself or know how to heal oneself. Since the invention of the lightbulb our evolution has massed such high intensity lighting systems and allowed us to keep functioning during moonlight hours and just like anything focused on long enough turns from a "thing" to life, just another part of life. We don't see what we are doing anymore because we don't see it as any different, it truly becomes invisible. Like most of our choices toward people, places , things or more truly stated, choices through our feelings and emotions. Once practiced or repeated enough times it just becomes life or our life and the reason for the choice disappears. Many such as myself only recently was "hit" with past choices I made to mask or cover certain feelings, emotions, pain or fear to awaken to a reality that i didn't choose. In not dealing with these expressions of life when they occurred or shortly after caused me to create a "buffer" in which became my reality, but one i deeply did not want. I just didn't see what i was doing I repeated the buffer so many times it was just life.

          We will notice that this light in the dark we created can hurt more than help. There is a reason the "sun goes down" the rotation that continues to give you life. The pores in skin are like eyes.. we disrupt the healing potential when we don't allow rest.. We can heal ourselves to a capacity we are not consciously unaware of. Our body creates most all of our healing "agents" we just have to activate them, or allow them. Everything in our world is a form of energy, vibration, frequency and the ones we choose to focus on grow and steer our lives. To sit in silence connecting with the stillness of night connecting with your breathe hearing your beating heart creates a focus, a connection to life to healing which is a connection to our bodies allowing healing to take place. We believe we are growing as we stay up late reviewing, taking in more and more information about things that cause us stress and worry when in fact we are choosing to connect to those stressors then hoping we will fade off to a peaceful sleep. (not really)  The sun gives "stretching growth" as during the day, we  reach for the sky towards the god of growth, but realize at night there is also a "glow in the air" where after a long day of stretching we heal to go/grow again tomorrow. Many times the growth occurs when your not looking, its all the little things that lead up to recognized change. As in the night air of healing where tomorrows light will show how far we've come. The mind needs to rest and this can be done throughout the day through our focused attention on breathe and our bodies. Not the best thing focusing on all the repetitive thoughts that create a diseased unbalanced body/mind, we should change focus to our body, INSIDE. What we focus on grows because it gets our "life energy" so by giving focus to the body it will heal, energize and fight off destroying vibrations ( illness, dis-ease, the "news"... ) Strengthen this focus with a repetitive practice each day,  just like we strengthened our repetitive focus on thought.

          I practice sitting in the dark before sleep, but its not just in the dark that allows rest and healing  I crack my blinds to let in the healing glow of the night, to connect to the quiet, still, peace filled vibrations of the evening. Most of us feel "burned out"  because we give too much focus on one side of growth in our busy days, but its NOT growth without healing! To HEAL is to grow! When I go to the gym the work I put in is actually just breaking down my body and after with food and REST the healing process gives me growth.    Evolution WITHOUT medication created and sustained this rapid always growing and evolving "us" to this point, the trust and knowledge/wisdom in healing.. Knowing as we give our best during the day give/be your best in the evenings and connect to your body through breath.. and heal. Or you could on vacation to relax, then come home to the same out of balance, unhealthy one sided way of growing, of living.. Whats the point in that?! To then look at pictures of, oh yeah look thats the place I felt peaceful.. Now yes vacation for better reasons to enjoy life sure of course I'm just making a point, but I feel an important one. 

         We are beings of healing in these bodies to explore and have this adventure. We came from a handful of micro organisms that evolved through healing, to heal is to grow. The breaking down to build back up! Our bodies our minds our feelings our emotions our relationships etc. Healing IS LIFE. We evolve through healing, so how did we forget to use this energy? how did we forget WHO WE ARE. 

          Rest or sleep in the "glow" of night, let it fill the room, it carries such a stillness such a peace we should connect with as we are truly connecting to that which is in ourselves, that energy of us to heal. 

          In many ways we loose the connection to the "healing flow of us" when trying to use our thinking minds to find ways of healing ourselves, like with medications. Medications give our bodies chemicals that we actually already produce naturally, then our balance is off so take this med to "balance" this one then this med to balance the last one and our BELIEF in the doctor and the medications doesn't allow actual healing from within. We don't see that the fight to heal is actually killing us. The over focus on thought, over thinking created greed, disease and massive ego because we feed it and what we focus on grows. If we believe we can't heal ourselves that we need to talk to someone about this, we need to see a doctor, we need medication, we need, we need, saying we need basically constantiually  telling ourselves we lack.. We then give away our power to heal and no focus in that moment is given.. the energy within us that truly IS US does not grow.. We do not evolve... We give more focus on things that bother us and wonder why we can find peace. What you focus on you get more of. STOP LISTEN LET GO ALLOW KNOW~ FLOW.  ~growinflow

Scott Betteys