The Beauty of Imperfect Presents Known

   The present moment is NOW, but what is now? Its like to metaphorically describe clapping your hands, CLAP! Here! Now! like a FLASH! here, gone, powerful, precise Present moment.

     If we can agree that in this way we understand this to be true and we can only be in this moment "unless were thinking"  which is our only connection to past/future. If we can agree that the moment is here and gone so fast like a flash of light, no time no past no future just the flash of now! 

             When we are born and take this form in this environment we change it forever with just our presents, just being "here'' changes it. Now yes of course its "built" into us to grow, and one of our tools is desire. (actually to grow to evolve IS US  its not just something we want) we ARE products of evolution as evolution, we are co-creators in this dream.We procreate to continue to co-create

       See all of life is and can only be in the present moment.. physically we are here together, although mentally we are in our "own moment" as well. How we feel our emotions, our ideas, of life etc. Because its our moment we have the ability to wake up and see we ARE the moment ..the present moment, the flash of now, IS US.

    We are the space, the spirit, the essence of the moment and that moment encompasses all of life.. the now!

        We are apart and not separate from all that we perceive to exist we are one. As humans we impose ourselves in the moment, believing we are taking control when if we just see deeper that we are it and a part of a greater flow. Yes we are to a degree responsible for our repetitive thinking and repetitive actions, repetition creates roots within our reality, roots to our tree of growth and how we treat and act toward people, situations, feelings, emotions, thoughts etc. This is all we know, we have been doing this in the same manner so long it just "becomes life" for us. We don't realize what we have been doing, what we've been "feeding"to grow. be aware. If you want change, practice awareness. 

       Just as we seemingly make choices towards and follow trends we don't question why. The force in this existence, a force larger than our own, one we contribute to everyday with our choices. As I was saying, if we do not practice presents we are not seeing our choices, we've been making the same ones for so long we don't know any other way of living ~co-creators.  

       Its as if squeezing into the "flash" that is the present, that is all of existence as small as a needlepoint, then stretching out to create "your space." That is why you are not separate from your environment or from other people, from life.. you are life! YOU are the space of existence, the space in which it grows, evolves.

       You might be saying no duh but then why do we feel stress and detachment from other people, form our environment? Yes there are violent acts, accidents, true physical dangers, but I'm sharing a deeper understanding here. Its like the ocean a gigantic flowing and swaying body which is the energy or vibrations of our world in which we are not separate from.. so the violent acts we take part in..its our focus on negative vibrations that take many forms even for an instant we are "feeding" that energy, then someone at a lower vibration more susceptible acts out! Then we all point the finger what a nut! What an idiot! People are crazy! Well yes but we play are part. No one is perfect the word does not exist but we play our part.. just like in feeding other energy fields of care, true listening, compassion, seeing and sharing our "higher self" a higher frequency one that promotes the awareness of connection and love.

           Now as we enter this "space" the "flash" of the present moment it slows down, like the faster something moves the slower it seems, OUR presents IN the present slows it down.. so within this space we perceive time "life" "our life" also you don't "have a life" you are life and everything in the space of. Its your co-authored space! There is no reason to fear this space , you are it..the definition of fear is growth and when we don't go toward our fears we don't truly grow and we are beings of evolution hence feelings of stress, anxiety, lack of fulfillment, regret and not finding deeper peace within ourselves, fear is part of evolutions way to grow, evolve. To create this dimensional space to which we perceive life.

           Everything is energy, vibration it can take any form, it is all forms. You are your environment the form you "your energy" has taken to this "perceived point." your present moment. Yes evolution or god is wise to create this web of thought and a part of it being the feeling of separateness..It allows us to push our bounds to grow, evolve to then feel as one as connected as somebody, when we have been all along. Lets connect to our environment to the people, places, things to nature because NOTHING is done alone.

See that you will always find the strength to grow in this space this present moment, see that it is always changing and know that the change IS YOU, never fear the one constant.

         If we wake up to "know" the environment is truly not separate from you, to see that IT IS YOU i will hope we can start to love it again to love ourselves again, this is our greatest energy to share, to grow as one.

          We will always be trying to "live our dream" until we wake up and see WE ARE OUR DREAM and we have always been living it, know that life is a gift and the greatest dream of all. Soon the saying "live your dream" will not exist because we see that live and dream are one in the same. You are the master and commander of your ship have faith and know you are never alone, we are in this dream together lets start acting like it. ~growinflow 

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