Pain Growth

    Over time as I have noticed within myself that repeated actions toward immediate pleasure even though I know will lead to pain afterward is actually a deeper sense of myself looking for pain, or believe I somehow deserve pain. Pain truly does not exist only as a thought we choose to believed in, but it is there as feedback occurring here to grow from. So through this brief and search of pleasure followed by pain I am subconsciously looking to grow. Many of us will continue actions throughout our lives that we know will cause us pain, why do we do this..?

We all want to grow, Grow in love, in passion, in peace, in knowledge etc. and many times we will not take action toward this growth, this change, unless we receive immediate pleasure, but in most people pain will force them to change.

     It will force them into making decisions and take action now to stop this pain i hopes this action will not only "correct" the initial pain we created, but hopefully spill over into the change we are looking to make. Pain is a "tool" that forces change.. now this tool many times cannot be controlled once provoked so consciously or subconsciously causing pain is dangerous on many levels. We will become comfortable with this pain and start to believe this is life.. pain/pleasure/life. It is not a healthy way of making choices and growing... like most actions in life it will be the way in which we will always choose to take when decisions need to be made, we become "addicted" to anything that causes pleasure even if we must cause the pain first... an obvious unhealthy way of being... or is it..? In saying this it seems to be obvious, but many of us will do this most of our lives. pain/pleasure/life. 

      We are habitual creatures and to a level we know this. This again is an area of the brain and we have control of this tool, but we most of us give control away and allow ourselves to fall victim over these areas. This is where practicing breathe control to quiet the mind will change your life. It allows us a glance at the habitually created programs we have made and chosen to believe in. We are able to "step out" of this software to "see" life outside our "reality tunnels." A place where we are not living up to the brain created universe we created over "time" through our beliefs, actions and choices. aaaaahhhh... so nice.. so peace filled... so quiet. 

      The way in which energy works or life, because life is energy in form, is that just by "looking" just by quieting the programs of repetitive beliefs that make up our personal realities, we have already changed them. We changed these programs by allowing "space" around them. This quiet space enables us "breathing room" around these beliefs about ourselves, these beliefs in life. This space allows "fresh air" carrying love, peace and strength. Most of these beliefs or thoughts will start to disappear through your awareness.. once you realize your pain and separateness in life have just been repetitive thoughts over and over through this life and are not real these thoughts then become not real.. non existent. Your "awakening" begins, an awakening to a world where we don't have to get caught up in believing every thought we have or old programs that no longer serve our present reality..

     This is where our morning and evening rituals can truly change the course of our lives. Practicing breath control ( the one thing well do most in life ) is the path to peace. Its telling your brain IM in control here ( not the habitual thoughts and actions of my past ) and with deeper longer breaths we start feeding air ( life force ) into our bodies and not our repetitive sub conscious thoughts. What I mean is our short stress filled shallow breathing is like keeping your thinking mind well abled to keep causing stress in the system. Its not until we recognize to feed air into the body by long, deeper calming breath to the toes through the nose. Repeat. Soon you will see the shift happen quickly when you control the breath. Control. Know that your thoughts can only control you if you allow it and know that how you think in life creates your life, so this is ALWAYS an exciting time to be alive because at any moment you have the ability to change the way you think. 

   Morning and evening rituals or habits of breath control which will quiet the thinking mind, not to know that you are in control, but just to know that your thoughts don't have to control you. Allow breathing room.. Space for your thoughts which allows clear awareness to make decisions that better align with where your going, not draging along where you've been (who you've been.) To make better ones, choices that are more connected which allows joy and not through pain and separateness.

  We have always been on the "right road" in this existence, the road through the illusion of pain and separateness so that we would evolve ways to recognize this is a tool to grow and not a reality we must stay in. I feel many of us have learned to see this "tool" of pain and separateness and now its time to be aware we are evolving through this way of living and make a different choice.               ~growinflow

Scott Betteys