Act when Inspired

Act when inspired- We must act on our inspirations because its our "higher energy" at work, inspire~ in spirt. We all have dreams, goals, desires of ourselves within life and these moments of a feeling to act on a particular inspiration is the universe leading the way. When we fail to act or feel we failed in the act or action taken we must not give up because this must be completed to move forward in spirit or our "game of life". 

     Many people may quite after failing a few times in taking any action on inspiration, but its never failing its learning, know that the universe is teaching you the tools you will need within the action taken to reach the next level of the game/goal. We cannot jump forward in the game without reaction later..Learning, growing fast to reach goals sooner is great, but if we "skip steps" we could be faced with undesired results down the road. If we do not act we will be met with frustration, lack of peace, fulfillment and regret.

The reason for the inspired action is learning and growth.. If not we would not be inspired to do it!

    Have faith in the inspiration as small as the step forward may be or many times as large as the fear may be.. Inspiration is to express a feeling/emotion and as I'm sharing here to perhaps complete a "task" we have carried fear about for awhile or something we have never done.. the unknown, something we have GREAT PASSION for ,but have not followed to fruition! If you want a deeper peace, fulfillment, bliss and love practicing to act to the best of your knowledge and ability at the moment of in -spirit you will have a greater chance in that life.

      Most of us repeat steps over and over never following through on these actions and feel restless, I'm one of those people. I have repeated "step one" more times than I can count..revisiting similar outcomes -life on repeat, but when I take action of inspiration I grow to places never though possible! Commitment Discipline and follow through are needed for success in these "in spirit" lessons and AMAZING experiences.

      Be Consistent in acting on inspirations and commit to completion to then have the tools, confidence, knowledge, experience and growth to take the next step.

 Its the putting together of your "peace puzzle" we were all born with.

We are worth it because when you follow through on inspirations you change your world which changes mine. 

         Not only will we create an over filled or fulfilled heart within us, we will co-create and shift the vibration/energy of our world allowing growth through a higher frequency -one of our choosing not one of failed action and regret on inspired moments. Be the Change You Wish to See in the World. ~growinflow

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