Allow Let Go

To allow is to let go and to let go is to connect and connection is flow and flow Is you. What does it mean to allow, well the life we see around us today is one built on not allowing and as energy does and will, it finds another way to balance itself. What this means is by not allowing ourselves to face, to feel, unwanted emotions we become creators, as we always are, but creators from a place of disconnect which is why we are trying to create a world to connect. 

    See if we realized our true selves as the loving flow of this ever healing and evolving universe, life as we know it would not exist. As we currently reside in a multitude of patterns.. This is because when our "flow" has an "object" in its path, the myriad of patterns are instantly created and flowing paths around the object or truly our feelings, emotions and choices about them create "life." Imagine when water crashes into an object, boom it splashes particles going in every direction! Life in search of balance, which is our existence. Energy will always find balance through connection, it can't happen any other way.

    These created patterns are our choices of who we believe we are through our repetitive thoughts and actions -our interests, relationships, living situations, starts, stops, waits, goes, yeses, no's, ups, downs, lefts, rights etc.. These patterns intersect as we are all "entangled," then evolving into what we experience, we then call it life.

Have you ever over reacted through anger with someone and not sure why it was directed at them or acted in true kindness for no reason known to you? This is a small example of entanglement.

   You essentially gave them what they were "looking for" in their journey of held onto beliefs and understanding about life at that moment. We cannot separate ourselves from our interaction consciously or subconsciously ever, because that is life, that is you.

      Now where we have run into "trouble" ( to say the least ) at out "roots." We have clouded the realization that we are the flow of life and these feelings and emotions are areas of growth whether perceived as good or bad, truly this "interruption" of love, of life, of us, is our growth.. is our evolving universe.The interpretation. Not real.. Interpretation is the false reality defined in the head, as we are more truly just coming up with all these ways back "home’ to the self. The problem is we don't "know our roots as flow." ( love, connection, one ) Life has become this "balancing act" subconsciously making choices through fear because we get lost in "running" from our pain, the pain of truly wanting connection and acceptance.. we don't know connection, we are lost.    

      We search for connection through many areas of our lives, only if we knew that we are connection itself and disconnect is only an illusion we allow.

Then reality as we know it would radically evolve as the "search" would be over, but evolution would not and that is what you are. You are the evolving force we call love and its "time" we take the next step by allowing life to be lived through you as you.

      We are always allowing, that is what the evolved brain "gave" us.. believedchoice. Choose to let go. To allow the letting go is to stop the using up of life energy holding a "forcefield" to unwanted feelings and emotions.. that will burden you your whole life and have created the life you now see around you, good or bad. 

Can you imagine all the energy consciously and subconsciously that is wasted in "a lifetime" invariably connecting to feelings and emotions? Where else could you be using this energy? Everywhere else! Life will become richer, brighter, more vibrant every day in every way! You will "see life" as it is, as a reflection of your presents in it, love.

        At first it will not be easy you will have to feel the pain you've been holding back, but more importantly the pain you've been holding. To truly feel we must allow and to allow is to connect, so we will have to connect to what we believe to be pain filled emotions. 

     Yes to not allow means you have chosen to carry pain, no one is forcing you to hold on, it is a choice. Yes this holding onto has truly created your life to this moment as the environment perceived around you, this has been your balancing act called "your life." To balance the carried emotions has created your patterns, the patterns shared in the believed connection with everyone else as our patterns are our illusionary existence.. our autopilot. 

     Patterns fine, emotions great! Just know that this is not to be taken to your "roots," it is the changing of your "fruit." Your roots know connection as connection to healing, to one another, to love as the self, the flow of existence that has gone on before you and will continue after, as you. We get so serious in the changing of our "fruit" as though we may never blossom again and this is the life without understanding connection.

    Remember you are energy and energy will flow through the path of least resistance. This means that the path you have chosen to take you will continually "default to" over and over and this again is what is creating your moment to moment known reality and taking you out of the present moment of connection. 

     See we have become "masters" of not facing pain and discomfort, masters at creating a barrier of not dealing with or not connecting to some form of suffering within us, but a deeper pain is to be hold as we created this "default pattern" and call it life..

We are "stuck" in our subconscious patterns. For many these "barriers" have been there so long and because it has "steered and created their know reality they may not be able to see, but if you truly want change look deeper. 

     As we continue to let go, to connect to feelings and emotions we have been using part of our life energy to "hold back" this will then create a "space" an "allowing" an allowing for a CLEAR vision of connection, of life, of love, of you.    ~growinflow

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