
the speaker -the ever evolving listener.

We are currently residing in the age of “spelling” or storytelling.

The depth in the eye of the listener nourish the speaker in a cyclical frenzy that is our present creation.

  • Under a Spell - definition ; not fully in control of one's thoughts and actions, as though in a state of enchantment.

Evolving from “shallow sight” to depth of perception through a visual telling, oral spelling, known as storytelling. 

A spell is cast on the listener who has been feeding the speaker who in return feeds the listener, allowing growth of the story to occur.

A reactionary event. 

The speaker changes or adjust’s the story by the energetic reactions in the eyes, body language, level of attentiveness and attention of the listener. 

Both the speaker and the listener are in reactionary states of being -states of creating.

Neither having a beginning or end. Wholeness being found in the reflective action, each finding completeness in one another. Though as individual “incomplete.”

A “fractional” reality coming into existence. 

an environment of “spell castors” arises, capturing our senses in a world built on pleasure and promise. 

Promise does not exist in a reality of wholeness. There is no “loose end” to necessitate “promise of completion.”

A reality of condition arises. Under the spell of Condition or Reactional way of living, allowing conditional or condition-all to arise. 

I promise to love you. Promise meaning not complete and under condition –reactional. 

You do this and I will react by doing this. – fractioned, No true beginning, no actual end - not whole.

The heart works fluidly in wholeness. As we Act we have beginning and end. Complete no fracture, no promise, no condition or circumstance required. “I did not react to the condition presented”

circumstance -definition; a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.

we must first understand that this is re-action not depth of pure action.

reaction to the story we have been witness to.
have we been in such a state of perpetual reaction we lost the purity of action.

emotions are a reaction as we truly know little about pure action and what is actually occurring in our environment and less about expressing our true feelings, emotions and points of view - just our reactions to it. not truly present - just emotionally feeding and essentially repeating the story…

Non-growth and false connection.

We continually question our reactions in the reactive world, never truly knowing if the reaction we presented fit or was right, leaving questions- fractures, gaps in our reality that could go either way. Distrust. -within ourselves and now we continue to “carry” the “weight” of repetitive overthinking in our lives..

An environment built on non-trust arises. 

The brain starts to “carry” these unfinished reactions, these fractions in our reality. 

Stress arises. A breakdown in the system occurs. 

Questioning oneself arises. Questioning the spell your under, the dream you have been living as. 

We are not living in a dream, we are existing as the dream. 

We have been under this spell for so long the spell has infected the whole of our understanding. 

Rather the spell has created the fractured, disconnected, conditional, promise filled reactionary world that we have become. 

We have become Master Spell-casters. The clothes we wear, how we speak and interact, our shared interests which are truly Not our own -just the transference of spells we are under given by others. Actually you can see that Most of our lives are reactionary to the stories we have been told. actions taken on the basis of a REactive intent the feedback from our environment can only be REactive, partial, not whole, fractional we loose sight of love as love is whole.

-how people treat us or react to us is the feedback loop telling our story… essentially allowing manifest to the fiction, the spell we are under, making it easier for us to believe it.

As soon as you react to the given story, you get a reaction -cant be any other way. from this reaction you begin to believe it was your idea.. continuing the dis-ease of the Spell we are under as you start to see the basis, the root, the action steps of your life have NOT been deeply, truly yours. This again is where the constant questioning of oneself comes from.- “should i of said that?” “was that the right thing to do?” “will i ever find love, fulfillment” acceptance.?

the right thing- is found in the present moment.. love is found in the present moment..to be fulfilled is to be in the present moment outside of the dream, the story, the spell. the “dream” says you’re not enough, this moment is not enough.. more more more. STOP dreaming and give more focus on WAKING UP. We have been dreaming long enough, as the flowing life exist only in balance as “dreaming” has its place though so does the waking state!

We have created a fear consciously and subconsciously of not wanting to wake up, because by waking up we will admit to the responsibility of our creation.. and that frightens us, because we must now do something about it and perhaps we don’t know what to do.

Ask yourself, what spell have you been under and are you ready to face the reality you have created by simply waking up?

this story - the story of the human being connects us all, we are connected by it - so if you act on waking up it will affect us all as we grow toward a balanced beginning. ~growinflow

  • first quiet the “dream”

  • this is a practice. meaning action required daily.

  • meditation is the practice of quieting the spell, the dream state.

  • follow the breath, mentally. in through your nose, out through your mouth- no exception.

  • visualize breath in from your feet, rising breathe through your body, release out the top of your head. witness your thoughts, your spells and release them.

  • put your hands over your stomach -feel your stomach rise with your breath and fall the your release. -letting the weight of confusion go and waking up to yourself in that moment. Whole.

  • Listen to your heartbeat. feel your body -completely, from toe to head.

  • repeat


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