
    Focusing on objects is connecting to the shadow as all objects create a shadow. Objects or things are shadow created with the light. Creation is to be witnessed in the moment then let go of in the next. This is the balanced flow of existence.  

   To create is to play with shadow not light as you are the light. Shadow is the formation of life in this realm of existing. Even the word life defines as shadow as words are labels on objects and object also defines as shadow. An objective reality creates a shadow as defined, its inescapable. 

   Truly to ask the question why am I here and what is my purpose is actually the moment light collides into dark -as we can only be defined in the dark, there again is no other way as light does not exist without darkness - forever intertwine as these forces complete one another.

Shadow or the balancing force of light can be harmful or hindering when clung too, as once something takes form it no longer belongs to us, some may say it never did. We are the source of light as it flows. To create is through shadow.  

   Light through darkness allows form. To have a thought is to create and to create is through darkness and prolonged focus on darkness starts begging the question why and who and what.. Why am I here and who am I and what is my purpose.     

    This is because the streaming flow of light has become aware. Aware that its flowing and if its flowing then where and how and why. This creates the shadow reality we are currently in. “The stream knowing there is a shore.” 

 As for the light –you asking a question creates a “dark spot” until belief in the answer is agreed upon, making it a part of the whole again becoming light –you. This is why questions you have asked or not asked make up who you are as these are the dark areas you have chosen to define with your light. “dark areas” meaning our choices or how we perceive to act allows that reality to exist —for us..creating our ‘signature self.’

   If the stream focuses too long on the shore it stops flowing and starts collecting shadows. 

The more objects we collect the larger the shadow we create as we have been focusing too long on the shore we forgot that we are the stream. 

To believe you are this “human“ body is to believe you are the shadow.

As we eat our light breaks down the object or shadow allowing the light to “shine.”- be released as Your body is the light “worker.” Each organ or organ-ization of these light workers within us connect to particular frequencies or vibrations emitted from the food, giving life energy to our body. meaning the remains “the shadows” are discarded -let go.

we are then able emit light energy to survive to actually stay alive. Light energy is emitting from us as we let it go, this is were the tern Aura comes from, it is the letting go that allows the flow we call life.

It’s a filtration system. This system functions through light, though you –the body will continue to create with shadow, darkness, the unknown, pure potential in this dimension of existence.

The intelligence of the body inherently knows to continue the flow of light, the flow of itself as light.

The light we know, it’s the shadow were curious about. the more we discover the more shadows appear, blind spots in our light, belief in answer arises -creation appears. followed by more shadow and we continue, this is the reality we currently experience. “Evolution” as we call it -making the “unknown Known.”

 The more people notice you the more you become an object separate from the whole.. casting a larger and larger shadow, for most making it harder to see the light.

 Our collective has been focusing deeply on the shadow for so long we believe we are separate from the light. This flow though we cannot be separate from -it is what we are, we just have too many shadows or blinds spots in the light. Shadows are rocks in the stream, there to let us know we are flow -not to focus on and cling to.

The More Objects we collect and Attach our selves to ( houses, cars, careers, even people ) the more shadows and confusion we have –we become.. we become the shadows –the objects. existence becomes heavy dark, dim, tasteless -numb.

we see life as a beginning and an end, hard -not flowing. “life is hard” this is object thinking, object living. existing only to survive not to thrive -to keep the object safe and alive.

This belief that we are objects is learned.. We have been taught to connect to life in this way –to connect and hold on to shadow as a foundation of our lives.. - this game we have been playing has run its course.. to truly “taste” life to truly understand what you are is to be wise enough to let it go.  ~growinflow

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