
My eyes will give you hope. My tongue will give your mind peace. My patience will give you love and my love will bring your soul home.

We reside in perceptions of darkness so that we take action to find the light, which leads us to darkness, We are chasing darkness. As without darkness light does not exist. Darkness can be defined as the unknown. The light can be defined as the known. The light can be defined as ‘sticky’ in regards to judgment defined as understanding. Though to understand truth is to experience it as singular. To experience we must be the experiencer. In this line of thinking the light created separateness. The darkness or unknown has not yet been defined, so it has no separateness from totality. The darkness or unknown is whole. Complete. Still. Not wanting. The light desires more light. The light finds itself incomplete and in-wanting. We are darkness plunging into light. This frightens us. This light gives birth to fear. Yet we chase it. We crave more of it.

As light reflects the dark. The truth. Not separate from the whole. Not judged or condemned. Complete. We chase the light so that we can connect more deeply with the dark. The more we believe we understand the more questions that arise. The notion of understanding is the light and questions are the dark. Light can be obtained, darkness is. Light can fade. Darkness is. ~growinflow

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