automatic evolution

our breath is the connection to this experience we call life.    

  Evolution is occurring in every moment just as each breath we take in and release as You cannot take without giving something back.

We breathe in the present allowing and enabling it to change us, shape us, evolve us, sustain us, connect us. 

Then giving on the out breath returning the evolved energy that has came into contact with us back into the present environment. A flow of life/energy/evolution.

   The pulsing of our heart is the generator that shines light allowing us this experience.

In the silent space of infinite possibilities between each beat of your heart is the wisdom of the creator letting you know your here as the evolving force of the universe, getting a glimpse of the infinite to shine light on your present design with each beat each breathe. 

With each pulse we are given the gift of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell in our moment of creation, then back into the silence/space of all possibilities.

   Your body, your being automatically allows this action of breath and the beating of your heart as the one constant of our existence in this form, in this gift of connection and creation, action and allowing.

  You are always growing and evolving toward the greatest you automatically, your job/action is to allow yourself to see it and with this sight you will begin to understand that your past choices were always leading you up to this present moment where a new choice must be made, through an understanding of action and allowing the knowing that you are the a co-creator of our universe and always have been, automatically.

We are Always Shaping our world/environment just being in it .. but its our level of Awareness as to what kind of world were shaping, creating and allowing to be .. that is our 'mission.' BE AWARE. Stop, Breathe, Connect, Allow.. Repeat. Develop an understanding more than what you’r given.

        We are Creators not Survivors    ~ growinflow 

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