
  We are the response to the environment and to respond is our functional existence. We are defined by our responses -the who, what, when and where at this very moment is your response to your current environment.. which is you.

The environment I speak of is not the environment recognized by the thinking or responsive mind, but what is not yet understood by our cognition or our cognitive experience.

   To respond is to become. To respond is to be a player, a participant in the game. To respond is to desire. To respond is to separate. To respond is to suffer. To respond is to grow. To respond is be an object of response and this object has an expiration date. To respond is to be an artist, a creator. To respond is to be alone. To respond is to connect. To respond is to be human.

   A response is an action taken and an action required as is all of life as we understand it through thinking. Everything is in a constant flux so we believe everything requires a response as we are alive we are the response automatically in every situation. as the experience is sustained by our responding to it. To hear is to respond, to see is to respond, to smell, to touch, to feel are actions equaling or sustaining the environment which is a response, which is us as human beings.

  You Are a response to ever evolving, the ever fluctuating action word that is environment. Not separate from, but connect as the response and also as the source of the responder.

   As you are the responder you are the creator, the sustainer of existence.. Your being has a purpose and life is the journey of that purpose never to be fulfilled or found.. that is your true purpose and that is what sustains all of life.. the consistent responder that connects us all. ~growinflow