
Why as we get older does the perception of time seem to move faster as in when we were young a day seemed to last forever?

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Scott Betteys
Dependency the Greatest Business Reality

The Space of Pure Potential and when focused energy takes a pattern or shape, that is us, that is our connected existence/experience. As we are a pattern, we are at our roots the source, pure potential, meaning we can change our pattern/life anytime.

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Scott Betteys
the Delectable 3rd dimension

3rd density existence is perpetuated by our addiction to it. To acknowledge and accept the properties in the 3rd dimension one can realize and start to materialize the higher densities. First by acknowledging one’s own addictive pleasures to the vibrations in the 3rddensity. The continued practice allows one clarity as this is the first “step” in transition.

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Scott BetteysComment

Patterns we are not in sync with will beat us around, muddy us up and challenge our everyday. Your current harmonic rhythm can make adjustments and will try –our emotions are the effect.

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Scott BetteysComment

 Isn't it funny how our conditioned mind believes that more/new material items in life shows that you are growing, evolving when truly behind the conditioned thoughts what is happening is this person is getting better or evolving in that game that is escapism. 

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Scott Betteys
Gaining the Illusion

Are we ever taking in new information as we learn and grow? Or are we just uncovering what is already within us with the information and interactions through our human experience. Is the information gathered just ‘erasing’ the ‘blind spots’ giving insight? This illusionary gaining is actually just uncovering a piece of the true path of growth in which we are on.

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Scott Betteys
Numbers Facts

Numbers are interwoven into lives the moment were born, starting with the documentation of date and time of our "birth." We have the number of years until we celebrate our first birthday, the number of years till were able to start "schooling." Start of friendship, length of friendship. The number representing length in house or location, first date, first kiss, first car, "finished schooling," lived in a state, country, age, bank account etc, etc. etc. numbers have taken over many or most aspects of our lives, of life.

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Scott Betteys
Pain Growth

Over time as I have noticed within myself that repeated actions toward immediate pleasure even though I know will lead to pain afterward is actually a deeper sense of myself looking for pain, or believe I somehow deserve pain. Pain truly does not exist only as a thought we choose to believed in, but it is there as feedback occurring here to grow from.

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Scott Betteys
Act when Inspired

We must act on our inspirations because its our "higher energy" at work, inspire~ in spirt. We all have dreams, goals, desires of ourselves within life and these moments of a feeling to act on a particular inspiration is the universe leading the way.

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Scott BetteysComment
Dark Light Life

The light and dark dance as they take turns leading our growth on this planet and thankful for us their not tired yet. If we take notice of the rotation giving us just the right amount of sunlight in any given day to just the right amount of darkness allows life here on earth, allows me to be here writing this.

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Scott Betteys
Senses Hypnotized

Communication and Language a beautiful and dynamic part of our way of creating, growing, learning, loving, sharing our passions, sharing ourselves. Its a part of what creates our beliefs then ultimately our reality...its also one of our greatest tools to hypnotize one another. 

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Scott Betteys